Sitter cancelled 1 week notice

My sitter has just notified me that they won’t be able to do our sit (due to being in hospital) starting in less than a week. I am a Premium member so I believe I might get some financial assistance from the Sit Cancellation Plan if I can source a new sitter. Any advice regarding how much work it is to get the assistance? I think I can find a paid sitter to do the sit, but not sure if I have to try re-list the sit here first? Panicking a bit as we need to sort this out asap so we can go away but I also don’t want to be hundreds of pounds out of pocket if we don’t follow the proper process. I am finding the t’s and c’s a little confusing.


@Sjt13 sorry to hear about your predicament. Even though the cancellation is for a genuine reason it must be stressful for you. Have you tried contacting member services on the urgent support phone line for advice ? The number is on your dashboard


You can also post your sit in the last minute section of the forum .

Sorry to hear this.
Be sure to post in Last Minutes Sits here:

Good Luck!

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Start a chat with member services as soon as anything like this happens. Include screen shots of the communication about cancellation and they will ensure you know the requirements to make any possible applicable claims.