Sitters - do you sit locally? Why?

I’ve only done one local sit (my first one) but would definitely consider it if they had pets that i especially wanted to spend time with (I’m a sucker for certain breeds, or maybe an animal I’d never had a chance to spend time with - pigs are on my list!) and/ or the house had an especially appealing feature I do not f have at home like a pool or a sauna !


We’re quite new to TH so that’s one main reason to sit locally, but also at the moment we’re between rentals and so local sits allows us to keep our work commute short! The alternative would be staying with my parent and doing a 4hr round commute each day…

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Hi @kaatie
A very warm welcome to our community and we are so pleased you have found us. Thank you for contributing to this thread.

We wish you lots of success in securing many nice local sits.

I realize this is an old post but it’s suddenly become pertinent to me. I’m selling my home (it’s actually an RV), I want it clean and empty for showing, so I have moved in with a friend. If I can get local sits, it gives my roommate and me some privacy since neither one of us is used to roommates…but I am very, very used to petsitting. In fact I’m on a local sit right now (not through TH).