First Sit with honey bees! No care required (by us). The beekeeper stopped by today, to do whatever he does…
He gave us two pieces of honeycomb from which we strained about a cup of fresh, heavenly honey! Wow!
First Sit with honey bees! No care required (by us). The beekeeper stopped by today, to do whatever he does…
He gave us two pieces of honeycomb from which we strained about a cup of fresh, heavenly honey! Wow!
@PVGemini slice a small piece of the comb ever so thinly and put on a cracker with something like Camembert or other cheese. The waxy part pretty much dissolves and it is a taste sensation. As long as you haven’t removed all the honey from the comb of course! I only buy fresh from the hive honey and always with the comb
Great experience. We used to be given a wee chunk of comb as an occasional sweet treat when we were kids. Loved sucking out the honey and chewing the “gum.”
When we were kids – my mom used to buy honey comb from a health food store - they were rarities in those days, and give us honey comb to chew on to relieve our allergies. We were all sneezing all the time, and it actually relieved our symptoms a bit.
Sweet! LOL.
Our neighbors used to give us honey from their bees. When we first moved in, we couldn’t figure out why we kept seeing bees in the house, which didn’t have screens. Then we discovered that our neighbors’ hives were right next to our place. So we got screens pretty quickly.
Gosh, that looks tasty.
As an aside, I read online that pure honey is the best for taming mosquito bites. I’ve tried it, and it works! Thankfully, it’s easy now to buy pure/unrefined honey in the grocery store (at least in the U.S.).
I’m also thinking, if you’re sitting honey bees … then when we have another topic about the most number of pets you’ve cared for in one sit …
oh wow, this looks like two massive pieces of absolute nutritious magic
I have to say…I am a little envious! Enjoy
@PVGemini that looks absolutely delicious!
Hi @geoff.hom Manuka honey has many healing qualities and is also used by some veterinarians for wound management … we used it on horse’s wounds at the rescue centre
That is truly awesome!
I’d love that sit, I’m intrigued by bee hives.
me too!!! it’s fascinating to me
Yum. What a treat. In 2014 I went to Cuba and got to go to an organic farm. Here we are eating and sipping from the crates.
@ShulasMom how fabulous!