Some sites not available to members but are available to new members

I don t know. I must ask them.
But what does that have to do with membership, wheter you use atrial version or a full member or full member Premium, that some may or may not post some current search ads?

@Morpheus0077 - only full members see the sits that are available… if your friends are not full members they are seeing all sits including those thar are currently under review

‘Currently under review’ sits have reached the 5 application limit so although they are still theoretically available, members can no longer apply for them


@Morpheus0077 technically the HO are still seeking a sitter until they have a confirmed agreement with a sitter. However, because of the application limits no more siitters can apply unless the HO rejects some applications and unpause their sit. I have seen dozens of sits remain in the ‘reviewing’ phase for weeks on end. So technically it makes sense. Ethically (because people may think there are way more sits available than there really are) I’ll leave others to decide.


No, not at all. I already said that above. I’m a full member who pays and I just don’t see some sits that are available but some other people see them as available.

@Morpheus0077 - [a member]you are seeing sits that are available to apply to

Others [ not yet members]are seeing sits that are not available to apply to

You see fewer as a paying member vs. people who aren’t paying members. Why: They’re not seeing updated info as sits go in and out of review. They’re seeing sits (among others) that might not actually be available, because some are locked up in review. If they joined as paying members, like you, they’d also not be able to apply for such sits.

If you’re curious, you can always sign out and look at the site. Or use a browser in incognito mode and don’t sign in. But there’s no point other than if you’re curious, because sits in review wouldn’t be available to you for applying in any case.