Just a general rant!
I had quite a few instances when I’ll apply for a sit and later on realise they are not looking for a sitter anymore (so they’ve found someone) but they won’t be bothered to cancel for other people.
I don’t know how the system works when you are a host, but don’t they have a dashboard like we sitters, so you can see all the applications in one place?
I normally housesit in the UK where hosts seem to be more responsive and they respect you taking the time to apply (not all though!), but the rest of Europe seems to be very different. I imagine they get tons of applications?
I personally try to respond when I get invitations with a personal message to apply, even if I am not interested. Unless there’s no message at all or I can see it’s a copy-paste, for example at the beginning I had no reviews and in the message, they said they read my reviews and they loved it, lol.