Is anyone else getting multiple cancellations

Hi all,

I wanted to ask if anyone else is having constant cancellations. I have had one during, followed by a 6 week sit cancel the day before 40 minutes after they confirmed and ask if there is anything I needed. Now another sit has cancelled without messaging me. I had a message on THS saying my application was declined, they were also messaging a lot before to check all was well and I was still ok to house-sit for them up until yesterday and then, bam cancelled without a word.

Is this happening to anyone else? I have been house-sitting on and off for years globally and never had this happen. Non of them have even mentioned a proper reason either just “due to unforeseen circumstances” and “we need to cancel”.

I’m very confused and frustrated as this is months of rearranging to do and staying on friends sofas last minute.

So sorry this happened to you.

Is this cancellations or declined applications? It is a bit unclear to me.

If your application get declined, that is normal (of 5 applicants they can only choose one, so four will be declined for each that get a sit).

If you have applied, had a video-call or other communication, the host has sent you an invitation to sit - and you have accepted that invitation - then the sit is confirmed. After that it is not common that a sit is cancelled. It is also a bit strange that it is cancelled without an explanation. Especially if you’ve had a good communication during the application process, one would think a relation has been built and that one would use a few words to explain.

Is it a specific location/ country these sits are in, and something has happened there?

Can you in hindsight identify any red flags? Why have you encountered several cancellations - could something be done to avoid it in the future?



It could be just a coincidence .

Unless anything has changed since you confirmed the sit , for example have you had a recent negative review ?

You can report hosts who cancel without a good reason to member services since they should only be cancelling for exception circumstances-

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These are confirmed sits in the UK, just randomly cancel. One messaged asking if there’s anything I needed and then cancelled 40 minutes later with no reason just due to unforeseen circumstances.

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Yes well that review I have disputed as it is slander. According to that HO I have a disability, refused to walk the dog, left the property a mess etc etc which is all false. But no these cancellations were not due to that review and I have booked sits after that review after explaining what happened. It may be a fluke but I thought I would ask as I’ve never had this before.

Make sure that you are exchanging contact information especially for confirmed sits. ASAP. Phone numbers, email addresses.

Then at least you have the option of calling the Owner if you would like to have a conversation about the cancellation, and make sure there is not some sort of mistake.

Oh I did talk to THS chat but they said that posts must be transparent and as they didn’t break their rules that all I can do is reply which I did and she then left a nasty reply on my polite review.

Oh I always do, I always have a video call as well. I haven’t pushed for a reason as one was meant to be a trip to get married and honeymoon and the other one was so sneaky about cancelling even after messaging me on a weekly basis to check all was ok. I was so annoyed I thought best not to push.

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How are you sure it is not connected to the review? Did the cancellations come before the reviews werw posted?

If the review was posted first and then the cancellations came it might be the issue?

It is a possibility but they cancelled the sit completely on the site completely before cancelling making me think something happened. The second knew about the review and the issues I had so if they were to cancel it would have been then not weeks later.

Have you asked the hosts who canceled?

As a sitter, no, I haven’t been getting cancellations. February is two years since I joined, with 21 sits now done, all five stars. Plus, other sits lined up. My upcoming host checked in about a month before the sit to make sure we’re a go.

Some would cancel if the trip is cancelled, or they might get friends/ family to look after the pet instead and cancel the THS-sit. I don’t think that is ok, but it can happen.

I can imagine particularly new hosts can be flaky if they are not yet fully familiar/ comfortable with THS.

There are many UK sits, so I hope it will end up alright for you.

Yes well these were both new to House-sitting, I do have a feeling that one cancelled due to a friend taking over as they messed me about at the start. And the other again may have got cold feet suddenly.

There are many sits luckily but it’s super frustrating and stressful. I’ve also lost so much money on last minute accommodation and travel. These ppl who cancel last minute knowing to you have paid for trains etc never offer to pay you back. It’s put a sour taste in my mouth as I haven’t done sits for a while and was wondering what had changed, may be nothing. I may have just booked the wrong sits :sob:

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I haven’t, one was meant to be a wedding and honeymoon abroad so I didn’t want to ask questions just encase they broke up. And the other annoyed me so much as they have been messaging constantly up until yesterday just checking in and offering to meet up for a cup of tea if I’m near them and then cancelled sneakily by changing the dates and then declining my application and not messaging me. I found out by asking what was going on and if they had cancelled. All I got back was “yes unfortunately”, tbh I am so annoyed by this I need to calm down before I start asking for answers.

I think member service should get a message on the last one, that might me against the terms and for sure is an unwanted behavior in this trust-based community.

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Also if you don’t flag it to MS @ESLteacher then these new HOs will think that’s acceptable behaviour on THS and it’s not! They at least need a warning of “this isn’t how this works”. You’re the one with experience and that sounds like downright bad manners, we’d report both of them, break up or otherwise. #nocommsisnogood


I think you misunderstood me @ESLteacher I mean that you can report the cancellations to THS member services - report all 3 separately .

If you inform THS that hosts cancelled without explanation- THS will contact the hosts to tell them that cancelling without an exceptional circumstances is not permitted and also keep a record so that hosts who cancel confirmed sits habitually ( without good reason) are removed from the platform.

Send an e-mail to


Yes I can report I have contacted THS on everyone that has cancelled and just had a message to say they are now investigating as this is getting crazy. We are not staff or things that you can throw away. I am very much out of pocket, have had to reply on a friends sofa and had cancellations that I hope are not to do with the review but could well be. And of course the review is 100% false and very nasty, HO need to realise this is not a recruitment site. Luckily most I have sat for understand how this works but someone ppl still do not. I am hoping this does not carry on and something is done on the THS side and of course no one else goes through this either.

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Oh I have reported each on as it happened. I have just reported the third as it was late last night it happened and they are now investigating what is going on as 3 cancellations in 2 weeks without proper explanation and one nasty and incorrect review is just wrong. Hopefully something positive comes out of it as I cannot afford financially or mentally to keep going though this especially as I have not done anything wrong and have proof that her review is fictional.

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That one definitely, THS is now investigating as 3 cancellations in 2 weeks without proper explanation especially the last one that did it without officially cancelling on the site, very sneaky. Hopefully something good will come of it.