Is anyone else getting multiple cancellations

We’re in the UK, we sit full time, and last minute cancelling has only ever happened to us on two occasions, both due to the loss of a beloved pet, so both for a very good reason indeed. Also, we’ve sat for a number of newbies to THS in the UK and everything went very smoothly, they totally got how it works.

It seems really strange that anyone would cancel without first explaining what was going on directly with yourself firstly. So maybe they had second thoughts after agreeing, due to the way you perhaps spoke about your bad review. Maybe they weren’t quite as relaxed with things after all. Perhaps you need to build up more reviews to distance the bad one.

It could just be down to pure co-incidence that you had multiple cancel, but maybe you should stop booking flights/trains/transport to sit, until you figure out what’s going on.

Apart from your one bad review, how many other reviews have you got, and how many of those marked you down for things?

I have 9, 5 star reviews and I have never been marked down on anything. I have been asked to do repeat sits if anything. This was a massive shock when it happened.

And I was returning to the UK after working abroad. I’m travelling by train and bus so it’s not as bad as losing flight costs. That would be much worse.

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Then perhaps it’s just down to that one bad review. Maybe take some short sits to pick up a few extra 5* reviews really quickly, inorder to distance that bad review, focus on 2-3 night stays, so that within a couple of weeks it’s a thing of the past, and that one bad review is smothered in positive reviews. You have the time now to do that… unfortunately!

Yes I am hoping to build up, I have a sit for 5 weeks starting tomorrow who luckily asked questions as couldn’t understand how I could go from 5 star to 1 so this should start to correct the issue. I also have one that was booked beforevthe review that will also help. THS are looking in to the review and cancellations so I am hoping it gets removed as it is a false review that is effecting my bookings which again could look bad on THS if the HO are new. Fingers crossed on all

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Sounds like you’ve had a bad run. Hope your upcoming sits will help you recover and this is just a hump.

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Thanks @Maggie8K :heart:

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Maybe it was just timing and ones you choose. I was trying to find a sit in a particular area, during a specific time and the pickings were slim to none. I worked around. And ended up in a place I did not expect to be. With a cat sit. First time only cat and it is like a vacation. The weather is warm and sunny. I am on the coast. Eating fish tacos on the beach. So just keep applying. Even after a cancellation I had, dog passed the rainbow bridge, I got a couple of other nice sits to fill in.