Some sits asking the world

Is it my imagination but some people seem to think that sitting 8 dogs and 4 horses or 2 dogs 12 hens 3 geckos etc is a deal. They would have to pay a labourer minimum wage to look after their brood.
Yes, we get to stay in some nice places, but some of these sits are a full time job in themselves… I wonder if they are in the right place…
Or the sit that advertises one dog and then when you apply, state “oh my neighbours 2 dogs will be staying too”
Mini rant/mild confusion over


@planesick , yes, I agree, I have seen many listings like that. And I feel as you do, but then I think, while it may not be for me, there is probably some other sitter out there who would love to take on the challenge, so I just pass on by and leave it for the right person to apply if they so desire.
I once applied for a sit, was chosen, and then learned that it was a group vacation and everyone who was going on the trip was bringing their pets to the location of the sit. While I was preparing my response, luckily for me (but definitely not for them), they all got covid and the sit was cancelled.


Such sits are in the minority but I’ve been amazed to see the number of animals some people have.


To be fair, we did a lovely sit with 8 dogs, 3 donkeys and a mule and it was probably less ‘work’ than having 2 dogs at times.

The property was huge and the dogs just roamed around and didn’t need walking, just feeding twice a day, which took 10min.

A guy came in every day to clean the stables and feed the donkeys/mule. All we had to do was get them inside at night.

I think every sit is different, I wouldn’t necessarily write them off if there are lots of animals. If you need to clean stables, … and walk everyone that’s a different story of course.


I agree.

I have seen a few advertisements matching your descriptions.

However, nothing bothers me more than someone putting photos of the location and places of interest or even attractions close by and then you read that you need to offer 24/7 support for an animal or the dog cannot be left any longer than 4 hours.

As someone else stated, there are people up for these sorts of challenges and as I have said before, to each and their own.


I would envision getting the donkeys and mule back into the barn at night to be the most difficult part of the day. Are they foodcentric enough to want to go in?


Hi @Els thank you …

I had a sit with 3 horses, 4 dogs, 6 cats, chickens & ducks. and like your experience @Els the property was huge, fully fenced so no dog walking. Only two of the cats were indoor/outdoor the others were barn cats, the horses lived out, just had to check them each day and do water. Someone come in and poo pick the pasture.

iI was summer time, a beautiful location in WA State, their husbandry practices and routine were so efficient that the time and work involved was completely manageable … and I did the sit alone.

It’s about honest communication (lots of it) between owner and sitter before any sit is agreed, questions asked, boxes ticked and full disclosure on animals needs and human’s expectations (on both sides) after all a city sit, with one small dog, might not be the right sit choice either.


They knew the routine, so it was easy enough, just required some patience cause one of them was pretty stubborn :grinning:


The most animals I’ve had for a sit so far has been 23 alpacas, 2 dogs and 3 cats, in New Zealand. Before the sit the owners told me the alpacas were easier than one of the dogs and they were right. It was no problem apart from the poor weather a lot of the time


I’ve just seen a sit with 2 dogs and 30 cats!! That’s the most 4-legged creatures that I’ve seen in my year of membership. Waaay to much even for this cat woman.


Was it a cat cafe?!


How would you ever know if you’ve fed them all. Can’t imagine what the house must smell like either….

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@planesick I agree there have been quite a few new sits showing multiple animals to care for, but there are quite a few sitters who really enjoy that as they may have grown up on a farm and are used to dealing with large broods. There is always something for everyone here!

As far as a listing stating that a neighbors pets or family pets would also be staying, this goes against policy and should be reported immediately so it can be dealt with by our Member Services Team.


I agree that it isn’t necessarily about the number of animals, but the asks for the care. Two tiny dogs with small bladders and a touch of anxiety can take more hours of care than a variety of farm animals. None the less, for many sitters, the dogs may be an absolutely perfect fit. That being said, I recently read a request for someone who had a very complicated schedule for her ducks. Her mcats and chickens seemed pretty easy care and she did state that the sitter could “have off” after the 10:00 feeding was complete, until 4:00. I am guessing that is providing that the other chores were completed, and there were many. I noticed the request has stayed up for some time, despite being in a highly desirable location. I did just check and it is still open, but, who knows if it will fill - perhaps there really is a sit for every taste!


I have to agree, that’s a lot of work and liability to say the least. I would never apply for those, yet I guess to each his own and different strokes for different folks. I’ve also had multiple paid pet sitting jobs and use to have a small service. I believe it’s a catch 22, yet some HO’s will take advantage. You know the old saying you get what you pay for. Also in Cases of pets and animals with special needs that’s a lot of responsibility so you need to compensate people. Yet there are many different opportunities so what suits one might not suit another.


No! From the photos, it looks like at least some of the cats go outdoors, but that is still a lot of work. One applicant so far, despite it being in a very desirable, rural, location.

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A herd of farm animals is one thing, but 30 cats? Ooof.
I’d be delighted to be wrong here, but that sounds suspiciously like Noah syndrome. :slightly_frowning_face:

Do THS have any mechanisms in place to reach out to homeowners/local authorities to help manage this sort of thing if a sitter should encounter a problem?

I agree, I also see some sits and think that they are asking too much and wonder who would apply.
Things like too many animals/ too much work, not being able to leave the house for more than 2 hrs, being asked to do chores, contribute to utility bills or sleeping on a blow-up bed are all things that make me scroll on!

I guess there might be someone happy with that arrangement though so we all have the choice to apply or not, hopefullly there’s a sitter for everyone!


I saw one like this recently, and I don’t think they found anyone. It was for two cats who were obviously treated like royalty and the sitter was expected to be by their side at all times. It is of course necessary to spend plenty of time with the animals you are sitting for, showering them with love and affection, but this sit made it sound like they were recruiting slaves, not sitters!


I just saw one with 7 dogs and some chickens. Your day starts at 6.30am and finishes at 9.30pm and you appear to have an hour free time in that whole period, mid morning.
Pretty intensive schedule :rofl: