Survey question - would I recommend THS

@Chrissie Of course it does. THS wants to know how sensitive you would be to a price hike!


The first few questions do not seem relevant to housesitting e.g my income, my mortgage status, my vacation habits… i did not complete the survey.
Its not clear at all what info they are really looking for…


Terrible survey. Gave up on question four, way too complicated and irrelevant :flushed::flushed:


I wasn’t in favour of the question asking if I agree/disagree etc that regular sitters should have early access to desirable sits.

:thinking: hmmmm….


I presumed it would be anonymous survey given the very personal questions at the start, so I don’t think they would connect my tick box saying I would never recommend them now, to how I’ve given them 16 sets of new customers this year.


Very interesting that only sitters were contacted to do this survey. I heard about these quite personal questions from my current sitters and I also would have refrained from answering them.

It’s very obvious to me where the THS journey is going to: profit, profit and more profit.

My prediction is:
-They will charge more if you want to do more than xx sits or post more than xx dates.
-They will charge couples more on one account or force them to pay for a second one.
-They will introduce paid sitters and add some insurance.

I have never had more than 10 applications for one sit and of these only about 1/3 were suitable. I prefer couples and therefore this new no overlapping rule affects me directly, because it keeps suitable sitters from applying.

I recommended THS in the past but would not do so anymore.


@Wildcolonialgirl @Southernsitter @Landbiscuit @Chrissie @Lokstar
Yes the income and mortgage questions were very VERY intrusive, and the question about work had me stumped, it seemed to say I had be either an employee, retired, or a digital nomad. Nothing was worded in an appropriate way to cover the self employed with a passive income, and self employment covers a large number of us. Weird!


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Conclusion Of Pausing Application Test - Updated Post

@Cuttlefish - I completed the survey without giving too much information away and the response at the end was - unfortunately your profile is not what we are looking for.


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: what are they looking for? :flushed:

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Thank you for your continued discussion.
We just need to keep to the topic of the survey, so have moved some comments to the rightful thread. Thanks for your understanding.

To keep on topic: @Twitcher I, too, am wondering what they are looking for and what will they do with the profiles that are what they are looking for?! This is getting very interesting. Please sitters, keep us all updated!

But also:

" 3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Conclusion Of Pausing Application Test - Updated Post"

Oh, moving messages to “the locked thread” is back again! I thought they’d given up the idea of restricting discussion on the 5 only -rule.


Changed by author. Couldn’t delete it completely.

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Human error … have moved them now to the open discussion. Apologies.


@Cuttlefish What a joke eh?!!!

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I received the request to complete this survey which I have not done.
I cannot believe what I am reading here.
Is this survey a mistake?
Surely THS do not want all of these personal details, such as mortgage, income etc
There is no way I would submit this on any survey


@Carla Can you please ask THS support / membership to comment on this survey. Not only is it very difficult to complete, it asks incredibly intrusive questions with no indication of what the information will be used for apart from a vague “to help us improve” and finally what on earth is a question about ‘payment per sit’ about in a THS survey where the whole concept and ethos is one of free exchange? Has this survey been compiled by an outside organisation with no idea about what THS is supposed to be about? I am shocked and appalled! Final straw for me I’m afraid.


Believe it! It asks whether you rent from a private landlord, whether you own your own home without a mortgage, own your home with a mortgage, etc, and what ÂŁincome bracket you fit into, what job type you have (without covering anything for the self employed and others in certain situations).

So, the only info/knowledge they can stand to gain about any other questions they wanted answering are from those that chose to disclose their income/work details, so they can’t possibly gain accurate knowledge across the spectrum of any sort, because others will back out of it.


Started to do survey but didn’t complete too many instructive questions.


Hi everyone!

I wanted to pop in and let you know that we’re collating your feedback and concerns to pass over to the team.

As always, we’ll be happy to share any information that we get back with regards to points you’ve raised, wherever possible.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!


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