TH Book Club: Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

@Newpetlover ,

That’s a brilliant idea. I’m going to contact HOs I sat for twice in Philadelphia that moved to Savannah in 2022.

If there is anyone else out there reading this, we’d love to have you at the discussion on Wednesday the 19th of February (next week) at 9 am EST. If so, please reply here.

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I’m getting a copy sometime this week.

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Good news here. My HO from Savannah will be able to attend the meeting on Wednesday so we’ll get a first-hand account of what life is like there now. Her perspective should be interesting as like the author, she’s kind of an outside observer having just moved there in 2022.

I’ll send out the Google Meet link on Monday the 17th.


That’s great to know. She will also have some knowledge of the impact the book has had. I think there’s some kind of tour and Midnight… is referred to as *The book *


I am starting the book today. Liking the sounds of it!


I’ve sent the Google Meet link via DM for our meeting on Wednesday.
If you haven’t received it and would like to attend, please let me know. I’m looking forward to this discussion!

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Thanks to all for a great discussion today. I was so pleased that Lea from Savannah was able to be there.

One thing I forgot to share at the meeting is something Dusty sent me: The recipe for Miss Lucille’s tomato sandwich. Lucille Wright catered Jim Williams’ parties and was so well regarded in Savannah that hostesses were known to change the dates of their parties if she wasn’t available.

Shame that I have only just this moment (19th, 22:14). read this topic
Hope the book club enjoyed reading the book. Actually read it myself last year as I found it in one of the many little neighbourhood libraries we have here in the Netherlands.

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