TH Book Club: Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

We’ll start off 2025 with a true crime story.

In addition to hardcover and paperback, it’s also available on Kindle and as an audio book. There are used copies for sale and as it’s been out a while, you can probably also find it at your local library.

As for a meeting date, would any of these work?

Wednesday, 5 Feb
Friday, 7 Feb
Tuesday, 11 Feb

As it turns out, @Gabba, who suggested this book, is located in Western Australia so may find it difficult to attend because our usual meeting time is 2 AM there. I suspect this won’t work but i’m wondering if anyone is open to moving our time 4 hours earlier.

This is the usual meeting time.
10AM PDT/11AM MDT/12noon CDT/1PM EDT/6PM GMT/7PM CET/8PM EEST (Turkey) :alarm_clock:

Please post your reply. Thanks!


I wouldn’t be able to do 4 hours earlier as I would be at work. I could do any of the dates suggested at the normal time.


I could potentially do 2 hours early on the Friday.


I can do 4 hours earlier. February 5th and 7th work best for me right now. I dont know where i will be on the 11th.


I have no problem with any of the times or dates suggested.


I just had a thought - it is our school half term holiday from 15th - 23rd February, so I won’t be at work then so could be much more flexible on timings during that week. I’m on a repeat housesit from 14th to 22nd February. It would be great if we could all make it at a time that isn’t the middle of the night for Gabba! If we need to go with a time I can’t make, that’s OK, I’ll read the book anyway as it sounds great.


I am OK with those dates too. I really enjoy the book club and the meetings so if I know in advance I’ll try to avoid making appointments or commitments so that I can attend the meeting.


That’s a great suggestion, @Debbie . I’m glad you can be flexible as well, @Newpetlover . And maybe @Makelikeanapeman will end up in a location during that week that will allow her to attend too.

We’ll wait to hear back from @Gabba . Stay tuned.

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I’m totally flexible - thanks everyone for switching up your usual times, I appreciate it. :cowboy_hat_face: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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@Gabba and All,

Great :raised_hands: !!

I picked Tuesday the 18th of February, below, as an example, but any other day would work too. Let’s give it a few days to receive replies and then set the meeting date.

I bought the Kindle edition of this book and can’t wait to get into it.

This discussion is open to everyone. If you haven’t attended in the past, please consider joining us for an enjoyable discussion.

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Tuesday 18th February is my son’s 14th birthday so that could be tricky too, depending on what he wants to do! I forgot about that when I said I could be flexible that week, but shhhh don’t tell him!

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Then we’ll definitely go with a different day @Debbie .
That’s a special day!


Shall we make the meeting date Wednesday, February 19th?


Wednesday 19th February is good for me!


I am Ok with that too.

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Hello All,
We will meet to discuss Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt, on Wednesday the 19th of February.

Please put it on your calendar.

The meeting time(s) are below.

A quote from the book:
Rule number one : Always stick around for one more drink . That’s when things happen. That’s when you find out everything you want to know.’

It’s a fascinating read. Here’s a quote from the inside cover:

“Berendt works up his material like a chef on a devilish mission. The result is a feast all right…. He has the old money dead-on and the new- as the no money, for that matter. And here is the highest praise I can muster: Wish I’d written the damn thing.”
—— Gregory Jaynes, Esquire


I love this book. I will happily read it again, since it has been years since I read it. Looks like the time has changed since I last attended. Thanks for setting this up.


Thank you @Maeve :cowboy_hat_face: Look forward to it

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We’re so glad you’ll be able to attend, @Gabba! :raised_hands:

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I have really enjoyed this book. I think it’s fascinating that it’s non fiction and that the author insists that more than 90% is facts. I am also surprised at people’s reaction in Savannah.

Wouldn’t it be lovely to have someone from Savannah in the meeting? Perhaps there’s somebody in the forum.