Hi there
I have been using the site since 2014 full-time so definitely not a scam. But no one is guaranteed anything by joining the site–sitter or HO–and it is nothing more than a platform for people offering a service to connect with those looking for it, and everyone is free to choose what sits they want, and the sitters they want.
A few things I would say
1. Without seeing your application messages and the types of sits you are applying for, it would be hard to say if that is factoring in at all. Your writing here seems clear and articulate so I imagine you aren’t leaving a bad impression with poor grammar, etc. in your messages or on your profile. You may already be doing the following things but just in case:
Be sure to address the HO and pets by name. Personalize the message with content from the listing. Note what seems important to the HO or what would make you seem like a good fit .For example, experience with their type of dog or if they say it is important the dog can sleep on the bed with the sitter–and you are okay with that–mention it.
I personally write pretty short application messages but some do longer. There is no right or wrong. But I believe our energy determines what we attract into our life, so if doing a longer application, be mindful of if it is sounding like you are trying to hard to sell yourself, feeling like you really have to convince the HO to pick you.
2. If I were you, I would not wait around to sit for such people. I understand people are busy and may not be able to arrange a call immediately; I don’t expect them to pick their desired sitter within an hour of posting. But the type of people you are talking about–dragging out the process for weeks–are a definite ‘no’ for me.
Again, this goes back to getting in the world what we are putting out there, and to me, continuing to interact with these HOs and waiting around for them is a result of fear and attachment to getting sits. And you’ll just continue to attract these same types of people. This fear-based approach will also up the chances of having unpleasant sitting experiences, whether it’s a problematic HO who totally misrepresented the responsibilities, poorly behaved animals or a number of other things.
The next time you encounter such a person, have the courage to just withdraw the application, having some trust and faith the right sits will come along with decisive, organized HO’s who are serious about the process.
Unless it is a sit you really want to do for some reason, apply to multiple listings with similar dates–you never know how long it will take for people to respond. I personally withdraw applications if more than several days have passed and I have not heard from the HO. This is particularly true if they have read the application–it is always strange to me when it gets read pretty much immediately but then days pass with no contact.
In my experience of almost a decade, these sorts of owners have been a small minority so I definitely don’t think your experience of encountering so many people in such a short time is typical. So I wouldn’t worry this is what you will be dealing with all the time.
3. I know a lot of people will say it is hard in the beginning to secure sits, but I can’t say that was my experience. That is not to brag or to suggest people who did struggle in the beginning must have been doing something wrong. It is just to say that you don’t want to lean too heavily onto that idea. And our first sit was 4 months in Fiji–not too shabby!
While I may not have been as discerning with sits when I first started as I am now, I can honestly say that from the beginning, I did follow some ‘best practices’ that have served me well, namely not waiting around for indecisive HO’s, honoring preferences about the types of environments and aspects of the sit that worked for me, and listening to my intuition.
Good luck!