THS Etiquette

What country or state do you live? Maybe someone on this forum would let you sit for them.

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@HandA , I also suggest applying locally but in addition offering to stop by and meet the HO and their pets.


Stick with it, we decided to try it despite reading about a lot of sitters not getting selected, we decided to try for a year and see what happened. We have had 4 fantastic sits, and one more to come this year, meeting great people and making good friends along the way.
We have turned down over 20 requests for sits, but we always reply with a reason, not just decline.
In my opinion, just declining without a message is a bit rude but you get rude people everywhere, not just on THS.
I’ve not seen your profile, but can it be improved in any way as I’m a firm believer that a good and interesting profile gets you a long way.
Keep faith, your sits will follow. Good luck.

I agree with all the feedback others have given you. Here’s my additional 2 cents:

  1. If you’d like some feedback on your page, this is a great place to get it (just add your account link to your profile and others can run their eyes over it for you if you ask!..this is a great way to get rapid feedback on how your presenting on the site.)

  2. I would NEVER wait weeks to get a response from an HO. If someone is playing games like that with you, decline the sit.

  3. It doesn’t count till they “put a ring on it”…apply to as many sits as you want to…until someone confirms you, you are available. Don’t wait for one you really want unless they commit to a response date for you and past that, if someone is careless with your time, decline them. If they really want you, they will move accordingly.

  4. When you do interact/converse with HO’s, be explicit and just ask when you should expect a confirmation one way or another from them. Or similar to a job application process, just say you’re considering multiple sits but you’re really keen on theirs, but also hope that they understand, you also need to respond to others so as not to disrespect their time…again, the HO’s behaviour/response will probably be a clear indication of how best for you to move.

  5. if you’re new to the site and want to build up experience, try for local sits or sits not too far from you that may have lower applications due to location, but you know you can get to. Once you build up a history, that will help you develop your profile.

Just to provide an example:

I hate faff so I always opt for very clear comms and set expectations in both directions… as an HO, once I post and receive submissions, I usually try to meet all prospectives within the next 24-48 hours and then provide everyone with feedback maybe another 24-48 hours max after that because I’m not interested in being a blocker for their other opportunities. There are some occasions where I need more time to make a decision but if that’s the case, I communicate that to the sitter and provide a time for when I’ll get back to them, but on average…my posting to confirmed sitter or at least decision on sitter happens in about 3-5 days, a week max.

As an HS, the only reason confirmed sits have taken time is because of scheduling for our video chats, but even after that, the longest that an HO has made us wait for a response was maybe a week. (we do more HO than HS, so this HS experience is from a much more limited data set…regardless, that is what I would expect and I have declined or pulled out of processes in the past because it was clear that the HO was a time waster.)


Lots of great advice here.

Yes, some Owners are not organized and this can come across as bad manners or rudeness. They might actually be lovely people though!

Sounds like your application/profile kept you in the running for that Sit, so kudos to you! Sounds like they were considering other applicants as well, doing video chats, and someone else beat you out, eventually.

Note to Owners: Post your listing only when you have TIME to deal with the applications that day or the next day! Please! Sitters would like a quick response. Procrastination does not serve anyone (including yourself).


That’s why I prefer pet’s to people.

I’m sorry you’ve had such an unfortunate experience. I’ve been sitting on this site for 8 years, the past 7 almost full-time, and I have never been strung along the way you describe. Though I have in the sense of not receiving a response to my application, I’ve never messaged for a long period of time with no decision or official invitation to sit forthcoming.

I agree with pretty much all the advice that’s been given and wanted to add a suggested way of approaching people that works for me almost 100% of the time.

With my application to sit, I include a letter of introduction highlighting my experience and reviews, as well as anything that they indicated in their listing was important to them, such as nonsmoker, vaccinated, having my own car, experience at giving medication, etc. I also make a positive observation about their pet(s), whom I mention by name, and that I’d like to care for them and maybe a fact about why I love that breed etc. I say what I like about their home as portrayed in the photos and why I want to sit in that geographic area. Maybe you already do all of this.

I close with what marketers term a “call to action.” I ask if they would like to set up a Zoom to meet to explore if the sit is a mutual fit. If they respond in a timely fashion, I normally suggest we Zoom within the next 24-48 hours and suggest a time.

If someone doesn’t respond to my application within a day or two I apply for others and focus on those, often cancelling my application for the one who hasn’t gotten back to me.

During the initial Zoom call I lay my cards on the table as far as how many other sits I’ve applied for and homeowners I will be talking with and when I will be able to confirm. Normally, I might have one other I’m considering, but usually not. And if I do have another, I will undoubtedly be having that call within the next day or two. If their sit is my first choice, I make sure they know that. If it feels like a good fit, and the other HO’s haven’t responded, I cancel my other applications and don’t even mention them.

I also ask if they are considering anyone else. If there are no other sitters or sits being considered, normally, by the end of that call we have an agreement that they will immediately send me an invite to sit, and I will accept it. We also exchange phone numbers if we haven’t already. This is pretty much always how it works for me. If they are going to be talking to someone else or vice versa, we agree on a quick decision within the next couple of days so no one is left hanging.

I hope this is helpful and that you start having a better experience soon!



A way to guarantee never to be strung along: Cut off people who can’t act and decide promptly. That goes for hosts and sitters. Everyone has that agency on THS and whether you act on that’s up to you. And you can do that matter of factly. Don’t need to be impolite or such.


If you’re looking for accommodation for specific dates and specific locations, reach out to matching sits on THS, but while you’re waiting to hear back, don’t stop there!

Decide on your trips dates and tentatively book other accommodation on other platforms with good cancellation policies. I always have a backup on booking[dot]com so that I’m in charge of my holiday and not waiting for an HO on THS to reply.

That said, having used the site for 5 years now, I’ve found that people who are serious will contact you and call you either the same day, or the next day — and it will be decided ON THE PHONECALL, after which I receive an immediate invitation to sit. So if people don’t do that, forget about that particular opportunity and keep looking! I find that I when I apply to 10 sits, I get 1 reply. That’s a contact rate of 1%.


  1. There are tons of sitters, but also tons of HOs - keep looking for great sits and keep applying
  2. THS is only one accommodation option, you don’t need to feel at the whim of HOs
  3. Make a Plan B by booking other accommodation that you can easily cancel

Then you can approach THS with a lighter touch, and enjoy the serendipity of the opportunities you create and the connections you do make.


I posted a new topic last month about Zombie listings, but after reading this thread in more detail it would have been better to post here instead.

I originally posted because I was baffled why an application had gone unread after several weeks, it seems that this is uncommon but no unheard of. I agree with what others have written about that behaviour, it is very rude and can be disheartening. I understand that sometimes the hosts may have extenuating circumstances, but a quick note to say “we’ll get back to you” or something similar is surely better than nothing at all.

Are there any rules on the timeframe in which a host is required to respond, or can they string the process out as long as they want?

In my case the host did respond after three weeks, to say thanks we’re now reviewing applications. As there were only two that means mine and one another. I’ve left it another week and now I’m going to cancel my application. If it’s not good enough for them now then the sit isn’t going to work out for them, or for me.


It is incredibly rude (of home owners to not respond promptly to applications).

Set your own time limit (in your head) and if they dont even acknowledge your application in that time, forget it. There are other sits who will welcome you and be easy to communicate with.

I pulled my application and sent a very short message saying that I’d been offered and had accepted another sit. I hope that may make them realise that sitting on applications for weeks is not a good idea.


Yes, here is that information.

REQUIREMENTS OF PET PARENTS AND SITTERS 5.1.13. respond to communications from other Members in a timely manner, but in any event, within 72 hours;

THS also state on their website :
We ask you to read our Terms and Conditions to ensure you’re fully aware of your legal rights, remedies, and obligations. It’s really important you take time to read the Terms and Conditions carefully because, by becoming a member, you’re agreeing to comply and be bound by them.


I asked a question in my other post (Zombie listings) if Inboxes were monitored to see if hosts were replying within a certain time period, and nudging them if they weren’t.

No. They’re not.

As a beginner, it’s always very tough to secure your first few sits, especially without proper feedback. But it’s going to be okay. When I was starting with this app, I had to apply to nearly 10-20 places to get one sit. And that’s just normal. Now, I’ve received some good feedback on my profile, making me more competitive. My chances of being chosen have increased significantly recently. My suggestion is to keep applying for different sits as long as the host hasn’t confirmed a sit with you. Don’t wait for anyone and don’t worry about whether they reply or not. Just keep applying, and opportunities will come to you.

I can only tell you this hasn’t been my experience. I joined as a homeowner, and try to get posting a sit and confirming a sitter done in the least time possible. I’ve learned that waiting for a sitter who may be deciding between two sits or “checking” flights, can be a waste of everyone’s time, and if someone doesn’t seem excited about the sit and accept when offered, it’s best to move on.

I started sitting last summer. I’ve found that there is a wide range of response times. I remember early on a homeowner kept sending me questions. I’d answer. Another question would come. I’d answer. This went on for a few days. Meantime, I was applying for other sits around the same time period, so when a homeowner moved more quickly and accepted me, I declined the “slower” sit. I have no idea how the homeowners felt about that, but I hoped they learned to move faster. Sometimes I simply decline myself after a few days of no progress. Recently, I applied for a short sit that seemed ideal for several reasons. The homeowner never responded for over a month! I finally declined myself because at this point it would be too stressful to look at airfares, and find a sitter for my own pets.

The site is not a scam and I’ve been on 8 sits in the 10 months since I started sitting which proves it. I think each sit I actually got involved being confirmed within 4 days of days of applying. At least two – not including a repeat sit – were same day.

My assumption at this point which might or might not be correct is that any time a homeowner gets 5 application and takes more than 2 days to respond and it’s not to set up a video chat or ask a clarifying question leading to a video chat, the homeowner probably has someone else in mind and the odds of getting the sit are low. Anytime a “low application” homeowner takes more than 3 days to respond and seem to be waiting for more applicants, you are probably not what they want.