Pet Owner Manners?

To Uncaring HO’s

When a Pet Sitter (PS) takes the trouble to write a decent & complete application, why is it that the Pet Owner (PO) does not have the curtesy to say a simple ‘Thank You for your application(s)’ before or shortly after pushing the DECLINE BUTTON?

This arrogance really gets up my nose!

Yours Sincerely,
Grumpy Stan


I really really cannot understand why people get so worked up over that.

Your application was not accepted. THS sends a nice message. What more do you need?


@stanhants Don’t forget, when an HO chooses a sitter, the system automatically sends an impersonal “declined” message to everyone else who applied. They may follow up with a more personal message, but most likely, they don’t even realized what has happened. It’s not a personal slap in the face, though it may feel like it.

Plus, they don’t owe you anything for your good work on your application. All you can do is keep trying and doing good work.


I always send a personal message to the remaining four people who have applied to sit thanking them and giving a simple explanation as to why they were unsuccessful. You say in your post “everyone else who has applied”! Are you talking about the four unsuccessful people who have applied or are there others, for example I know there is a cut off of five applicants but does that mean any others, shall we say a dozen or more that I wouldn’t know of, receive notification from THS? Hope that is clear?


As a sitter, whenever I receive an invitation to sit, which I can’t do, I always reply with a short note as to why I can’t do it, usually the dates. It only takes a few minutes, common courtesy really.


Thats exactly what we do, even if the offer to sit is a blatant impersonal cut and paste job, we always reply personally and respectfully.


But on the bright side, no written message saves me loads of time, as it helps to let me to know who is the right fit for us.


@Ken The automatic messaging only applies to those who have successfully submitted an application. So if there were a full slate of five, they choose one, the other four would get an automatic rejection notice.

Thank you. I had given up with my question. Can’t people understand when it is a question? No, don’t answer that. Thank you again.

This and that…

Me too!I Feel its rude to just press decline :blush:


Who owes who what?

@StanHants I think it is kind if an HO answers everyone who applies, especially since the application pool is so small now for each listing, with the 5 limit.

But, just because you put a lot of effort into a good application, doesn’t mean they owe you a response. They chose their person and probably haven’t thought about the rest of the applicants. It’s not personal.

We live in a “click, next” culture. Things can become very impersonal online and politeness often goes out of the window. It annoys me too, but nobody can control other people.
Like @Debbie says, if they respond like that, or with a message that doesn’t feel respectful, I just don’t apply again for the same HO.


Good manners and politeness costs nothing - but is seriously lacking into todays instant gratification society. I guess I am just ‘Old School’ who appreciates the bases of ‘pleasde & thankyou’!

@Ken You could potentially get more than 5 applications if, for example, 8 people were all applying at the same time. Once each applicant hits the “Apply” button, each is allowed to create and send an application, even if there are more than 5 applicants.

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That happened to me this very week. I received at least 8 applications from sitters for a sit in July. I also received a message from THS that I had now reached the 5 limit and it was time to consider the applicants! I was well in front of THS in any event as I had replied to all of them within several hours of receipt. I


To be honest, we are complete strangers to potential pet/home owners. While I appreciate courtesy, in these situations (offers declined) we have no relationship with them and , therefore, they have no need to apologise, etc. It is not arrogance but rather a reflection of the lack of a relationship.

No-one OWES anyone anything, other than basic courtesy. But if I were an HO, I would always drop the unsuccessful sitters a quick personalised Thankyou and a reason why we chose someone else (yes, sparing their feelings with a white lie if necessary). As a sitter, I also always write carefully thought-out, personalised applications. But then, maybe it’s all just because I’m old; my generation were brought up to be considerate and courteous.