Travel tip: ChatGPT beats traditional searches hands down

I’m currently on a sit in Turkey and was finding the language barrier and use of (some) ATMs and kiosks a challenge as English wasn’t always an option not to mention google maps public transport directions so I thought I would try ChatGPT. It’s been quite the eye opener. It’s been spot on every time and I have even tried using it for restaurant recommendation s as you can give it feedback and it will modify subsequent recommendations based on your feedback. Hope that helps.

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It’s still risky though to use ChatGPT as it’s not reliable… I know this from asking it questions about my home City…. it sounds convincing but there are blaring errors any local would spot but maybe not a tourist. It will improve but at the moment it’s fun to play with but I’d be cautious.


I use AI a lot (for my consultancy) and wouldn’t trust it on critical things but it’s been spot on with the dozen or so things I have used it for so far while traveling but your warning is sound.

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I think it ChatGPT is fine for things like that, things that are unlikely to change, but I use it often for my writing and if I didn’t check other sources, it would give incorrect information alarmingly often. :smiley:

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Adding to the cautionary notes already above - the data chatgpt uses is only valid up until a certain date. E.g it may not be able to return results on an event or business that came into being after a certain date. Its a lot more recent than it used to be, but many models don’t “know” anything that has happened in 2024. This page gives details about the dates each version model is trained to:

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Used it once or twice in a pinch to get information on how to pay for busses in Switzerland. It turned out the information was incorrect. The bus arrived and it didn’t have a contactless card payment system and we had to get off and call an Uber. For an instant translation in a store or ATM l prefer using the Google translate app with the camera instant translation option.