My daughter sent me this from the socials…
What more can I say?
OMG! That is just the cutest!!!
Hmmm - do I need a license for this monstrosity that was donated to me yesterday? It’s ugly AF, but the foster cats love it😁
I love it!
@Lassie usually most cats steer clear from the (expensive) toys! They enjoy the hand-me-downs and empty boxes the most!
Yes, and they prefer to play with the balled up receipt from the purchase than play with whatever you purchased!
Director Mayeda deserves a bonus!
That is just so sweet! That child will never forget it!
And she will never stop believing and looking for it🦄.
@Amparo this is absolutely precious! Oh to be young again and so inquisitive and full of life. We could all take a lesson from this and understand the joy of childhood dreams!
What if we were so inquisitive and full of life now?
Is it possible we could feel young?
Press the Benjamin Button
@Amparo wouldn’t it be great? It’s kind of like watching kids on a playground and how easily they find new friends within minutes. I wish we hadn’t lost all that childhood innocence and could do the same now.
Hehe neat alight !!! Imagine
Haha is lovely
Can’t believe they actually play with it. Kudos for that!
Thanks for sharing, just made my day.
Love when people create a better world for children with cute details like this