Oh those look awesome!! I’d love to learn how to make those too if you feel comfortable sharing the recipe? Ive been bringing awesome dog treats made by friends of mine but would be excited to learn how to make some myself (says the people food AWFUL cook lol!)
Voilà ! I already posted it but here it is again.
Thank you so much for sharing!! They look amazing! What a great idea.
Hi @peach welcome to our community forum and happy cookie baking, they do look good enough for hoomans too!! There is something very satisfying about taking bone shaped cookies out of the oven with adoring canine eyes watching in anticipation … especially when they are a Lab’s.
Thank you for joining in the conversation and enjoy connecting with other members … and collecting recipes!
We look forward to getting to know you better and sharing in your TrustedHousesitters journey.
Angela and the Team
@Noelene, you should leave this info (the repairs or over-and-above cleaning tasks you have done) in your hand-over note to the owners. If you don’t tell them, they may not realize and won’t be able use it in the good review they will leave for you.
Can I have your recipe please Angela? I love lentil soup
A post was merged into an existing topic: Recipe shares - special cake for hen-sitters
Oh yes please! Let’s start a recipe thread
Me, a fifty pound note and a day at the races. Thats my recipe for disaster
I’m on the last day of sit now and just picked up the photo collage of the good pictures I took of their pets. I will place in spot they will find after I’m gone.
Gift turned out great!
I’m with you Jackie X
Many years ago I cleaned the inside of microwave of family whose children I babysat. I actually spilled a little coffee in the very dirty microwave.
The mom was very AFFRONTED and yelled at me that I was rude and making commentary on her housekeeping efforts by cleaning. Even though I told her I spilled coffee.
People are very sensitive. Be mindful!
Wow, that is excessive!
I’ve only ever had one housesit where I wasn’t happy with the cleanliness of the house, thankfully the bed had clean sheets but the kitchen was really dirty. It did put me in a bit of a spot as I really liked the homeowner and didn’t want to offend her. We just washed a few things to use and kept to our own bit of the kitchen.
Maybe I should have said something, but I got the feeling that it would have upset the homeowner, who I got along with really well, and I decided it wasn’t worth it for a one week stay. I was actually careful not to clean too much when we left!
It is a shame though, it was a nice sit in a lovely area that I would have been happy to return to if the house was cleaner.
Thank you so much Angela. I have copied it and pasted it into my recipe folder.
We usually leave a loaf of homemade bread. We probably would not use TrustedHousitter e shop.
‘‘If I was a HO I would be mortified to find that something had been re-organised without my authority’’.
I MUST agree with you! To undertake the cleaning tasks you list above, it assumes that the sitter has mooched about in cupboards and drawers. I’d be so cross if a sitter did that. I absolutely clean up after myself but I would never, ever, clean up something in the HO’s home which had been left that way.
Today is our last day at a five day sit out in the country in an old farmhouse. I spent an hour this morning gathering grass and wild flowers and have made a huge bouquet for the table.
I know the lady of the house will appreciate it as there are many little vases of wild flowers around the house.
That’s a lovely idea and thought @ElsieDownie … so pretty.
So beautiful
Beautiful bouquet @ElsieDownie !!
Leaving in Brittany, west of France, we always go sitting driving our own car. So we always have space to bring a present : we usually take some sweets from our area (butter biscuits) and when we go abroad we offer a bottle of wine. We assume, if they don’t eat & drink it themselves (being vegan, or not drinking alcohol) they can share it wth friends of them.
When we leave the sit, we always leave fresh food in the fridge.
We usually cook a meal (something easy to reheat so if they don’t eat it on arrival, they have something ready for their first meal latter on).
And when we look after hens, we bake a special cake from brittany with the eggs (a cake that can be kept for weeks, and months).
My husband, who is painting, often leaves a drawing of the pets or the house : this is always very much appreciated by HO.
Last time we only have one cat to take care of, very easy going : it was the easiest pet-sitting we’ve ever had : so we did a special gift to the HO.
Very often, we have been offered gift : bottle of wine or alcohol, box of chocolates, tea from their trip abroad… Once we spent christmas in a house in Cornwall and we found a huge basket of goods at the bottom of the Xmas tree for us !
We are always very happy to receive a gift, and we do thank the OH for it. But we don’t except it and when we don’t have any, it doesn’t matter.
I hope I was clear enough. Sorry for my mistakes, being french and not fluent in english.
I find it very interesting to read everybody’s opinions on this topic.
Agreed - it is better to use our own creativity to do something to make their lives easier upon their return rather than buy more stuff.