Gifts and presents

Hi, I was wondering what the norm is re gifts etc ie house sitter leaving presents/cards and house owner leaving gifts of food/wine etc. what do people do in general. Thanks :smiling_face:

We always bring a food gift from Greece when pet sitting, and leave a thank you card at the end.
Out of 5 sits, we have been given wine once, and had a meal cooked for us the night before once.
Hope this helps!

As a sitter, I have never done that. But the current hosts have been so incredibly nice that I will have to think of something. Flowers maybe.

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This is a question that has been asked a few times previously, these threads may be of interest to you.


Honestly, as a sitter I don’t expect anything other than a clean house and everything as described, and don’t leave anything other than happy pets and fresh milk so they can have a cup of tea or coffee when they get home.

Consumables (wine, snacks) are lovely to receive as a sitter, but absolutely not expected. My last sit they were heading off for their honeymoon and I got leftover wedding cake - yum!


Sometimes I leaves welcome back cards but do not leave a gift. I’ve seen posts on this forum where sitters cook meals but I haven’t because I don’t know if the hosts would like the food

Someone on the forum ( sorry, I can’t remember who it was ) suggested that they print out a photo of the pet(s) taken during the sit - We did this at the end of a two month sit and made into a Welcome Home card . It was really appreciated by the owners who framed it!

This was in the UK and it was straightforward and inexpensive to get a photo printed from our phone in the local high street shop “Boots” .

By the end of this sit we knew the owners well enough to knew that they would love another photo of their dog ! :grinning:
As we had dozens of photos on our phone from the daily updates so we had plenty to choose from.


I nearly always leave a small gift or flowers and a card. I buy things as I travel around the UK like local honey, Scottish marmalade etc. I am often left things, wine, chocolates, vouchers for a cream tea and recently a trip to Highgrove. I do some repeat sits and owners have become friends, I’m invited to call for coffee if I am passing so I probably have a different arrangement to most people. Lots of people keep in touch afterwards telling me about their pets, garden etc. It’s a nice exchange


I always leave a card and a small gift, usually a little plant. I used to be intimidated by how many sitters say they cook meals for their HO to return to ; I can’t cook and the prospect of cooking for anyone sends me into a lather of anxiety! Now, though, I accept you just have to play to your strengths - or work round your weaknesses - hence the wee gift instead of the banquet.


I don’t leave gifts or cook anything. Yet I’ve gotten nothing but strong reviews and have been offered a number of repeat sits. I’m fine if some hosts prefer other sitters if they expect gifts or such. Shrug.

Sometimes, I’ll reciprocate if hosts have been generous. Like I might offer to buy some food basics for their return or treat them to a meal out. Those are exceptions, though.

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As a home-owner, I dont want gifts/presents. I really dont want ‘stuff’ (and I dont expect a sitter to know my tastes), I’m now diabetic so please dont leave me food either.

I like to come home to safe & happy pets and a broadly clean and tidy house (as I left it). The icing on the cake is to feel the sitter has enjoyed spending time with my pets.

If you feel you must leave me something, a card is nice (or send me a postcard from your next destination, I’d like that).


Trust me when I say that you don’t want me to cook a meal for you.


I have had many many gifts in the 10 years I have been a house/pet sitter and they have always been very much appreciated. Personally I always leave a thankyou card with flowers fresh bread and milk out of courtesy. Only once out of over 60 sits Ive done did the person leave a completely empty fridge with no milk for a hot drink after a long 10 hour journey. Now I always travel with a small packet of powdered milk in my bag…issue dealt with !! Nothing nicer than been appreciated.


As a sitter here, I have now been left with a fridge full of meats. I had told them that I did not need anything, but maybe I should have pretended to be a vegetarian. The hosts are originally from Eastern Europe, and very hospitable.

I am really doing my best (today the hamburgers, tomorrow I will try the sausages), but now I threw some of the rest in the freezer. I am looking forward to the Burmese food from a food cart down the street! But first I will eat my way through the fridge…


@pietkuip - it was an invitation, not a challenge :joy::poultry_leg::cut_of_meat::bacon::hotdog:


In the words of Joey from ‘Friends’
“Here come the meat sweats”

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As a sitter I’ve had bottles of wine left for me, gift cards to a local restaurant that the HO liked, and twice (from different folks) sausages - once in the UK sausage that had been made from the HOs’ pigs and once from a HO who had to cancel the week before the sit because she tested + for Covid. She made hard sausage and sent me some.
I’ve made dinner for HOs (usually when I am staying on an extra night after they arrive home), or left flowers or a small house plant. When allowed to use the car, I fill the tank. And a few months after a sit I’ll use the mypostcard app (with a photo of the pet) to send a follow-up thanks for the sit.

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I don’t really want “stuff” either, although a couple of HOs have given me small things. If I’m travelling far I might bring some little “Canadian” gift like some maple candy or syrup (if they don’t want it they can give it to someone). I’ll leave a bouquet of fresh flowers if I can find a vase, which always seems to be appreciated, and if they’ve been especially nice I might leave a thank-you card.
I enjoy shooting cat portraits so when I get home and sort the photos, I’ll send them some nice closeups.


@Ketch I Love this reply! As a sitter I don’t want bread, milk, wine or anything meat which are favourite for people to leave for me. I will definitely consider a postcard, such a lovely idea.