Who's on a house sit now? How's it going?

Hi @RumpusParable

A very warm welcome to the forum. We are so pleased you have found us.
Thank you for your lovely, detailed introduction on your sit.

I think there will be members here who would love to pack the pets in their suitcase when they leave! Cats make that very easy to do, as many of the ones I have looked after, jump into my suitcase as I am packing! You can’t help loving them. :heart_eyes_cat:

Please add your profile link to your forum profile so other members can meet you, and please do share some kittie photos too. We would love to see them.

The way to add your profile link is here >> https://forum.trustedhousesitters.com/t/how-to-add-a-listing-or-profile-link-to-your-forum-profile

Where are you off to next?

Best wishes
Therese and the forum team.