@Debandbee we once did a sit with 3 Frenchies and a bulldog. They were all super cuddly, including the bulldog who really didn’t know how big she was and thought she was another Frenchie!
@Debandbee They are adorable! Enjoy your sit
@Rhe Sounds great! We are having a similar experience! Right now we are still on our wonderful cosy Christmas Sit with 2 gorgeous cuddly cats having come from the previous sit in a grand country mansion with 3 dogs, 12 chickens, 15 ducks & 5 alpacas!!! Loving the contrast and the variety of experiences housesitting takes us on!
We are on a sit atm and we arrived after in the late afternoon after the Owners had left, we didn’t see one of the Cats, however we have sat before and this Cat is not a sociable Cat, so we didn’t think much of it, the next Morning we still had not see the Cat, all other Pets/Animals were accounted for, so we all searched in the usual places we know the Cat sleeps, no Cat, we then searched outside, no Cat, we walked up and down the Road, just in case no Cat, the Owners were still in transit and I didn’t want to worry them, so before getting in the Car and going out onto the Main Road and searching, failing that calling their Vets and making sure that Cat was not there, I rang their Son, who couldn’t remember how many Cats they had, sadly they had One Cat got run over in September (we knew about that Cat) however 2 of the other remaining Cats had both had Vet visits and Surgeries and the Cat we were searching for had passed just before Christmas, so we stopped searching for the Cat. The Owners had forgotten to tell us the Cat’s had been ill and both had Surgery and One of the Cat’s had passed. So I was glad that I rang their Son before sending a message saying “One of the Cats is MIA”, we all shed a tear, and took a deep breath, Panic over, it’s a different feel with the Cat’s no longer with us and it’s clear the other Cat’s are also feeling the loss, so we are giving them even more fuss than we normal would.
Happy Sitting.
My little sit sidekick turns out to be a fan of Seattle’s Pike Place Market. So many smells! Plus, she had her first puppachino (a cup of whipped cream) at the waterfront Starbucks.
She also stopped, determined to window shop for art on our way back to our rental car. She rides like a pro, calm and taking it all in whenever we drive.
Great photo @Maggie8K
OMGooodness, Maggie sooooo cute, enjoy. x
Such cute kitties @Therese and cuddly companions on a wintery day.
Stay warm, @Silversitters!
We might get snow in Seattle as well this weekend.
They were both absolutely gorgeous kitties and very loveydovey . Billie the girl in the top two photos and Sammie the tri-pod boy. Both really lovely kitties. Have a special place for black hose panthers. My very first sit was with a gorgeous very tiny little panther called Little One and have looked after quite a few panthers on my sits
Hubby and I had a most enjoyable 10 day sit in Edinburgh last October. It rained on and off just about every day but that didn’t stop us! Their public transportation system is great and Edinburgh is a lovely city with many sites to see. Highly recommended!
New buddy. Must be the tiniest dog I have ever minded. Very sweet
Adorable! How big is he?