As a sitter it is impossible for me to apply for a sit that has dates overlapping with a sit that I am booked for. I am blocked from doing so.
The same way why can’t THS block HOs from sending invites to sitters who are booked on dates that are overlapping with their posting? Seems like a simple thing THS could do. In fact it would be in THS’ interest to do so. What if a sitter gets invited for a sit that is highly desirable and thus would be tempted to ask to cancel the sit that is overlapping with it?
Is there something I am missing here?
Same goes for, why does THS send marketing for dates when we are busy.
This feature was to be part of the big Inbox/Messages overhaul that THS has just done but obviously hasn’t been carried out @Olive27. Sitters have been let down once again.