Will a THS accept a couch to sleep on?

I have a friend that would like to join TH.
They have a one bedroom apt. and don’t wish to have a guest/house sitter sleep in the their bed. There is a very wide couch I’ve slept on many times, and love it.
You think a sitter will accept this?
Any members out there that have offered this? If so did you get many replies for your sit?
It happens to be in a highly sought after location.

Then they will get applications.

I am not that picky about the sleeping arrangements. Most important for me is that I do not want pets with me in the bedroom.

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Some sitters may, but most wouldn’t and obviously, they are limiting themselves to solo sitters


Oddly enough when I’ve slept on our couch at home I have the most sublime sleeping experience……


Some would, many wouldn’t


Some couches are really comfy, but I wouldn’t know that before I get there. Plus, I would not sleep in a living room. Not comfy. A couch in a spare room maybe, if it was comfy and I got a good vibe about the owners.

If you have a bed but don’t want to offer it, it shows me something about distance and lack of trust and perhaps an idea of imbalance, so I wouldn’t like that and would usually avoid such sits.


Pets in the bedroom are OK for me, as long as they are good sleepers.

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One does not know that in advance.

I have had a sit where the cat would come over the roofs to the bedroom window early in the morning. When I let her in, she settled on the foot end of the bed. That was cute. No problem sleeping a bit longer.

There are some sitters who may be okay with that, especially if your friend lives in a really desirable location. I totally understand some homeowners not being comfortable with having someone they don’t know sleep in their bed, but if someone felt that strongly about it, they would have sitters sleep on the couch, that would be a red flag for me. That they emphasize the comfort of it would not matter.

If I saw this listing, I would find that off putting and take a pass. First impressions are everything when it comes to evaluating a listing and deciding to apply, and it doesn’t come across as particularly hospitable.


Also, where would the sitter put their clothes?


I’d have a conversation about the couch, want to see some pictures! I’m guessing this isn’t a pull-out that is made to be a bed. Of course I’ve had a few sits when the mattress wasn’t all that comfortable, either!


@Penni I doubt any level of location makes up for the blatant lack of hospitality they’d be offering to their guest. It would be a hard pass for the majority of sitters.


I wouldn’t apply for a sit that only offered a couch to sleep on. Looking after pets is a lot of work and to not have a comfortable place to sleep afterwards is a hard no for me.


I am pretty sure I could manage a couch for a few nights, provided I wouldn’t have to fold, unfold, close, open it, or move a million cushions back and forth. However, I would question a host who offers a couch while having a bed, even though I myself feel rather uncomfortable in somebody else’s bed.


My thoughts exactly @anon47943759 :ok_hand:

If somebody has a bed and only offers sitters their couch, it’s not exactly indicative of the “mutually beneficial exchange” that is THS :upside_down_face: Maybe some people would be okay with it, but it doesn’t really seem like fantastic hospitality to me.


@ Penni
Your friend has a one-bedroom apartment. Then it stands to reason that your friend’s apartment only has one bathroom. Not only would I not want to sleep on the couch, I would not apply to a sit that has only one bathroom.


No. If they do join please ask them to list that the sitter will be sleeping on a couch.


Personally i would not apply to a sit with only a couch option despite being a solo sitter. For me as i have some low back issues as being tall, and there’s no way of spreading out. But different strokes for different folks and I imagine that some wouldn’t mind. Also, one bathroom is a no go for me as well. I’m very adaptable fortunately and have no issues sleeping in the primary bed and or with pets in the room.

Really? For a solo sitter or a couple one bathroom is not enough? May I ask why?