Your May Forum RoundUp

From how to celebrate while traveling and fresh starts after 60 to flower crowns (and fluffy new friends!) in San Diego, there’s no doubt about it: May was a fantastic month full of interesting chats, insightful conversations, and fun discussions on our friendly community forum.

So, settle down and dive on in and share a round-up of some of the very best contributions and conversations from the past month… including shining the spotlight on our Forum member of the month .@KC1102 Congratulations :clap: :star:


@botvot @anon84784007 @Danandnan @Debbie-L @Kelly @Romana @Karen_E @Amanda56 @Tuppence @Kimba @Amparo

Tagging you all so you do not miss your mention.

Of course, many others contributed to the wonderful threads and topics mentioned - what a fabulous community - Thank you all :smiling_face:


Congratulations to all. This truly is a wonderful community.
Cheers everyone.


Thank you, Carla, I emailed Angela about this, but will also ask here:
would it be possible to correct the initial mention of my @anon84784007,
so people can reach me.
As it is, now, incorrectly: @clarieisamazing - an easy typo to make!, with so many vowels in my name.

Thanks for this lovely inclusion of my good news above!

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Hi @anon84784007 Carla is offline ATM thank you for picking up, we will get this corrected when the content team are back online …

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Thanks @Angela_L . I am so glad to hear my contributions have been of value!


Thanks @Carla1. I love that “how do you celebrate” thread! I’m glad you do too!