Android & iOS Update 2.24.0

We are aware there are issues with the Trusted Housesitters app currently and are working to fix these as quickly as possible. We’re releasing an update in the upcoming week which we’re hoping will fix some issues & bugs. Do check this thread for further updates. Thank you for your patience :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you…

A welcome change in approach to the forum.

Its the lack of knowing that gets people upset.

Some release notes with specific bug fixes would be excellent when the new version comes out. That way we can see if our particular issues have been fixed or are still in progress.


@SophiaK Once you release the updated version of the Android app, should we uninstall our current version and then download (install) the updated version?

Hi @KenandMary1998 you should not need to uninstall the app, once the update is completed this version will then hopefully fix the bugs & other issues.

@SophiaK YES! Please provide Release Notes for every version. Open communication about what has been changed/fixed is very important to us. Thank you


I think the app might be fixed. I use a Samsung android and the app seems to be back to normal

The app is working now on my Samsung Android too!

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Hey everyone,

I hope you’re all well. Just to let you know version 2.24.0 of the Android & iOS app is now live! :partying_face:

We’ve fixed some bugs with saved searches in this release, including an issue where the app becomes unresponsive after viewing a saved search, and an issue when navigating between different saved searches. We’re continuing to work on other fixes including the issue with missing reviews. Thank you for your patience :slightly_smiling_face:

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@SophiaK Thank you for this information.

Is there any reason you cannot publicly list the specific fixes and new features included in every release? I understand this is not always possible (if they are security related, for example). But why not share this info with your users? It’s common practice so people expect more information.


Hey @weirdholyman,
thank you for your feedback, I understand that it is common practice and we’re working on sharing more details and information in the near future :slightly_smiling_face:

My iOS is still the same…… so new solutions are clearly not working!
How can the CEO send out a newsletter and not mention 1 word about the massive problems? No hint of an apology : - O !!
Come on THS …. you’re in the big league now, you need to act accordingly.

Hey @Jtdunn,
I hope you’re well :slightly_smiling_face:
Could you provide more details please? What isn’t working & which version are you on?

iOS 16.
The saved searches tool is completely useless. Brings up wrong countries/towns all the time. I’ve complained about it twice already. I’ve deleted , reinstalled numerous times. No good. Over a month now😡.

The problem is now worse. If I run a saved search I can’t return to that list of results or rerun or run a new search at all. No results until I completely close the app and restart. Do you all need volunteers to test changes? I might be willing. Thanks for your efforts.

@Shella_in_the_Forum I am sorry to hear that you are still having issues. Please feel free to reach out to the support team at and I will also tag @SophiaK for when she is back on to see if there are any other updates.

Thank you for your patience :slight_smile:

totally agree, a news letter to the members that doesn’t even mention that so many members effectively had no working app for nearly a month!

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My saved searches are now misbehaving. I was not having a problem until the most recent release.

I have a saved search that quite broad. Today I’m getting 0 results, which is incorrect. But if I look at the results for a different saved search (b) , then try the broad one(a), I see the results of b with some of the filters of a applied.

@SophiaK I will open a support ticket. But this is very disappointing that the release that was announced as a fix actually broke my installation.

I have now installed 2.25, which was apparently released a day ago. At first blush, my saved searches are returning results that make sense.

It would be so nice if THS would share when a new version has been released and the accompanying release notes.

Hey @weirdholyman glad to hear that the issue has been solved.

We are working on updating the community more regularly :slightly_smiling_face: