Anyone know how many sitters vs HO's on THS? (and how many combined)

I’m just curious if this information is anywhere to be found.
I recently saw someone state that there were many more HO’s than sitters registered on THS. They didn’t say how they knew this and I wondered if this information was available somewhere.
I realize some are dual members.

I’m just curious with which membership has the higher number…as a sitter it seems like there are more sitters than homes, but that’s because of how many I see apply for the sits I’m interested in so it seems super competitive from a sitters POV, so I wondered…

@Carla @Jenny is this info available?

It’ll be interesting to discover that. But also bear in mind that 1 sitter could do 20+ sits over a whole year if doing it full time and they prefer to move around, whereas some HO’s may only take a couple of fortnight breaks in a whole year. So even though there ‘may be’ less sitters, it’s hard to quantify the real picture.

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@HappyDeb True, but some HO’s also post multiple dates.
I am just really curious about the numbers. Total members, number of sitters, number of HO’s and how many are dual.
I’d also love to see it broken down by country…
(I also wish they’d go back to HO and not the new silly “PP” - some HO’s don’t even have pets!)

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I doubt THS would share many such specifics. It’s not usually in the interest of businesses to do that sort of thing, because of (potential) competition. That’s probably especially so, because they’ve recently been purchased by a private equity firm.

Hello @bakindoki Thank you for tagging us, Jenny is out of the office for a few days so always happy to help where I can.
The forum team have been asked this previously but we do not have access to that information. We can feed it back to the wider company and post back here if we hear anything.
Happy New Year :smiling_face:

There seems to be a huge number of sitters now. I used to be one of about 40 in my town, there are now over 400 for that town alone!!!

It’s all relative, though. Without knowing how many more hosts there are and how many sits they post, as well as how frequently sitters sit, the odds of sits are unknown. Also, they vary according to supply and demand for various locations. But we can all see listings and how many have low applications.