@CavvieQueen Both sitters and hosts pay a fee to THS to be members, and it is an agreement between equal partners.
I expect the home to be clean and prepared for me as one would expecting a guest in general, incl. clean sheets and towels. I arrange my own transportation to the home and buy my own food.
If the host want me to come the day before departure, it is in my opinion the responsibility of the host to arrange a bed and to invite for a meal or similar as that is how I would treat a guest. In a guestroom, vacating the main for the sitter, arrange a hotelroom - or as for my next sit - the host will leave the home in the evening and go to a hotel close to airport. I have heard on several occasions that some hosts would prepare a meal for themselves and eat in front of the sitter without offering - in my opinion that is rude and not how one treat a guest. Just for comparison - or don’t offer so much as a glass of water after a long travel. So there are lots of stories that could be the background for a question.
Assuming to get a full fridge is presumptious and I would probably decline such an application, but some hosts do offer, particularly for long sits/ rural sits - maybe it is hard to get grocery shopping done. Nice, but not the norm. I would find it strange to ask for this or assume it. I think most sitters that are offered use of hosts food will often try to replace it if they have used a good amount (but not for dashes of oil, some salt etc.)
If a host has asked sitter to come the day before, I would find it reasonable to assume the host would have a meal together with sitters.
Some hosts offer use of car, particularly in rural areas, to be able to provide for pets and/ or do everyday chores when it is no public transport. It is often advised to offer car if one have trouble getting applications. So I would think asking this question would be within the norm, but you can answer whatever freely.
Some hosts prepare a welcome gift, and I guess it could be ok to give a nudge if it is something one can’t have due to restrictions, to save the host for expenses when the sitter can’t use the gift. Depending in how it is worded, I guess.
It is an agrement one make for each sit, as long as both are transparent and comfortable you can agree to what you want or not. So the answer could just be really short - for this sit there will not be a car included, food provided or whatever the question is.
If you would like the sitter to come if the sitter is able to without :askedquestion: you could also ask a return question whether the sitter is still interested in the sit. I have experienced sometimes that if I ask a question I get an instant decline, as if the host is really offended by the question. I find that somewhat odd - I usually (try to) word it as it is the choice of the host and that we would still be interested if they say it is not possible. I haven’t asked for cars or food so far, so it has been really minor things. Or I thought so…