Are you ready to welcome spring with open arms?

Photo by <a href="">Aaron Burden</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

Hello everyone!

Today marks the Spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere… so I thought we could take a moment to celebrate the arrival of spring.

From the budding of flowers to the chirping of birds, the first day of spring brings the promise of renewal.

It also marks a time of cultural significance for many around the world, from ancient festivals celebrating fertility and rebirth to modern-day traditions like spring cleaning. There are countless ways to honour and embrace the spring.

How do you welcome the arrival of spring in your corner of the world? Do you have any favourite rituals or traditions that you look forward to each year? Perhaps you have plans for gardening, or taking a walk in nature? For those of you in the Southern hemisphere, we’d love you to share how you’ll celebrate spring when it reaches you too.

Happy Spring, everyone!



Here in Sweden it is still a bit early for that. People and the media report “vårtecken”, signs of spring, like for example the arrival of the first cranes.

The official welcoming is on Valborg’s Eve, April 30th: choirs are singing the traditional songs, provincial governors and local celebrities will give welcoming speeches, bonfires will be lit. National tv will send these festivities live from somewhere in the country.

Valborg is especially celebrated in university towns like Uppsala and Lund. Starting with a champagne breakfast out on the green (yes I have done that). Later in the day for the daring there is forsränning, floating down the rapids of the icy cold river in floats, a bit like floats in parades, but these are really floating (or sinking…).


We’re enjoying todays nice spring weather in the beautiful garden of our current UK sit.


Magnificent magnolia tree in the garden of our current house sit .


I class Spring as from March 1st. If we use the equinox timings, then Summer starts when the nights get longer and that doesn’t seem quite right.

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We just finished a petsit in CA and the trees are gorgeous



And those of us in the Southern Hemisphere are starting to see the glorious Autumn colours!


I’m loving everyone’s replies so far!

@pietkuip - the official welcoming sounds amazing - especially the champagne breakfast! Will you be celebrating this year?

@Colin - wowsers, that’s absolutely stunning! Great to see there’s a bit of sun there too! Which part of the UK are you in?

@Silversitters Absolutely beautiful! Where’s your current sit? I love the blue peeking through the gaps in the tree!

@Hallt64 - Longer, lighter nights are definitely the priority!

@IHeartAnimals - Such a lovely photo! Did you enjoy your sit?

@temba Great to hear from the SH :slight_smile: Autumn is just as lovely as Spring!

The Crocus is blooming a beautiful purple here in Inverness.


We are almost at the end of a five-week sit in a place called ‘Horley’ which is a one-stop, three-minute, train ride from Gatwick airport


We are taking a 2 week break from petsitting and staying in cabins by the entrance at Yosemite National Park. Off season is great with no struggles to find parking and it feels like we get all of nature to ourselves. Weather is awesome too


Our maple trees are budding and our horses are shedding! Welcome Spring!!


I’m in Vancouver and we celebrated summer weather here on the weekend! A 93 year old record was broken for temperatures soaring up to 20.2 C throughout British Columbia. Back to spring like weather today. I’m heading on a house sit to Nova Scotia on Monday to see the other coast of Canada for the first time! It will most likely be a bit cooler but looking forward to Spring and experiencing Easter in a different city!


I’m sitting a couple of miles from Avebury so I was able to go by 8am and wander round by myself. It’s very atmospheric and unlike Stonehenge you can actully touch the stones. Unesco site which goes from Avebury to Stonehenge 20 miles away. 2 lovely cats Mia and Geoffrey


Beautiful colours there @Catgoddess_99 - are you enjoying your time in Scotland?

Awesome @Colin it looks like you’ve got fabulous surroundings to enjoy!

Looks awesome @IHeartAnimals - and the view is stunning! What are the cabins like?

Loving this @Ponygirl - I always think it’s so cute when horses start shedding!

Exciting @Globetrotter - I hope you enjoy Nova Scotia - let us know how your visit goes!

@Chrissy that sounds amazing, and how great that you can touch the stones. I love the cats too, they have brilliant names!


Yes, I’ve been enjoying this beautiful country :heart_eyes:


Before the official spring day we (in southern Ontario) had for almost a week springlike weather. On the 20th we got about 10 cm of snow… :crazy_face:


I can empathise @Canadagoose! Here in Scotland we had some beautiful sunny days, and then it started getting rainy, and then the temperature dropped and we’ve to expect snow :rofl: just in time for my long weekend!