Can Cats Heal Humans?

Hey there, cat lovers!

I’ve been thinking about how lovely the bond between us and our furry friends is. I love the idea that cats might help us heal. With their soothing purrs and chill vibes, some of us believe having a cat around can boost our emotional health.

I’m super curious about what you all think! Have you ever noticed your cat helping someone feel better? Maybe a purring kitty calmed down a stressed relative or cheered up a friend who was feeling low.

I’d love to hear your stories! Do you think cats can genuinely help us heal, or is it just a lucky coincidence? I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, and as always don’t forget to share some cute cat pics too if you can!

Speak soon,



A few years ago I had the flu. I couldn’t shake it and was sick for weeks. It turned into pneumonia. I had three cats at the time. All three would take turns visiting me, but only the middle-child cat, Rocky would stay by my side almost the whole time. He does that for my spouse and for me. If I’m a little down and say, “I need a cat,” Rocky is the one who runs to my side. I don’t know that he has curative powers, but he certainly provides comfort care.

For the past almost three years he’s had IBS. It’s been well-managed and he’s generally fine, but when he hasn’t felt that well, I’ve tried to be there for him. Lately, his blood sugar has been high. I’m tracking it at home, but we’ll probably be starting him on insulin soon. He’s been good as gold about my clumsines with the glucometer.


Thanks for sharing @Marion :heart: Rocky sounds like a sweetheart (as do your other cats!). How has his blood sugar been doing lately?

My big old boy Walter was great at keeping me company when I had a migraine, I used to suffer regularly, but seem to be growing out of them finally. He always curled up beside me and purred away, it was so comforting.

His favourite spot now is lying along the back of the armchair I’m sitting on, and curling his tail around my chin. It’s ever so soothing after a long day at work!

I’d love to hear if anyone else has a “Doctor” kitty who looks after them when they’re not feeling so good!

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I am a firm believer that pets can help with a lot of things, mental included.
You come home after a bad day at work, and the dog is bouncing and leaping about, so pleased to see you.
How can that not make someone feel better?


Thanks for asking Jenny. We’re working on it! The good news is he isn’t quite in the range where they would start with insulin in a cat, so we’ve changed his IBD meds, and eliminated carbs as much as possible.