Christmas sit needed in Kent 🎄

Hello! We are looking for a sitter to look after our gentle cat, Ripley, and house sit for us over Christmas. We’ve listed our dates as 24th - 26th December at the moment but we can be flexible if it’s easier to stay for longer or shorter! We’re based in Kent, a short walk to the Thames and the centre of town, near 3 different woodlands, and a short drive to the coast. The house is warm and will be decorated for Christmas. If you’re interested or have any questions let me know :blush:

Hi @JennyC. Welcome to the forum. Ripley looks a gorgeous cat. One day sits are not allowed on THS as the idea is for sitters to receive accommodation in return for looking after pets and houses. You mention you can be flexible so that’s good. Your sitter, I’m sure, would appreciate being able to arrive earlier, especially if they use public transport, which is virtually non-existent for Christmas Day and Boxing Day. It sounds like you live in a lovely location and will make your sitter feel welcome at Christmas. All the best with your listing.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Christmas sitting

Thank you @temba ! I wasn’t aware of this, thanks so much for letting me know! I’ve changed the dates to 24th - 26th, hopefully that will make things easier and we’re flexible on those dates too. Fingers crossed! :blush:


Hi Jenny welcome to our community forum and thank you @temba for helping to clarify on Day Sits, it’s great that you have now amended the dates … it also helps to be flexible too.

Jenny I’ve looked at your listing and your kitty is adorable.

I’ve moved your post to the appropriate Christmas Sit thread.

Welcome again and enjoy connecting with our community members.

Angela and the Team

Thank you Angela!