Communicating with a member who doesn’t have an active listing

Hey everyone,
I would li’e to communicate with a member who does not have an active listing. Is that possible?

Unfortunately you can’t contact a host with no active listing, unless you already applied for one of their listed dates in the past. If they no longer have an account though, they won’t see your message.

Hi @Alanlawrencegross If you are asking “can I contact a home owner who does not have a listing with open dates” then the answer is unfortunately, no.

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When you say active listing - would that be a past member of THS or not currently with published dates?

Sitters can not contact home owners that do not have an active listing. It could be useful to know that some hosts in very popular locations has so many try to reach them outside of published dates - and say that if someone reach out for «keep me in mind another time» they will make a note of never using that sitter. I don’t know if that would be the purpose, but just a nudge - that could backfire.

Sitters can not contact other sitters.

Hosts can reach out to sitters.

Just amending:
Sitters cannot contact hosts except through active listings UNLESS they’ve contacted them before. Even if you’ve been declined, you can still write to a homeowner through the messages system if you managed to get an application through in the past.

Homeowners can only reach out to sitters by sending them a private invitation to a date which could be a “fake” date created to reach out.

Oh I wish. How many times do we see the perfect sit with no dates but cannot talk to the hosts. I save it as a favourite and hope for the best.