Completed 26 Sits And Counting!

I just finished my 26th sit, with 100% of 5-star reviews! It took a little bit of learning at first, but now I’ve dialed it in! For two years, I traveled solo, and this year my partner and our dog started sitting with me. We have had so many epic adventures, and our little dog has had a blast!!! Our sits have been in Turkey, Egypt, Morrocco, Croatia, France, England, Spain, Portugal & all over the USA!

Thank you Trusted Housesitters! I love this life and I truly miss every animal I have cared for! :heart:


Congratulations :tada::tada::tada:. That is very exciting to hear. Life changing experiences that is allowing you to see the world. Solo travel sounds great. Sharing it with the ones you love sounds funner


Well done, I am a solo sitter and I go to Scotland to do my 50th sit in a couple of weeks. I really like it and often go to places where I have friends who are able to meet up and go out but I like exploring new places for myself. Besides the pets the best thing has been becoming friends with lots of owners, who invite me to eat or stay if I am on the way to somewhere else. Send emails and generally keep in touch. Needless to say I do a lot of repeat sits. 5☆


OMG! That’s so awesome! 50 is a big accomplishment! :partying_face:


Its over a long time, though! I was still working when I first started and THS wasn’t so big or so many sits available. Also I feel more confident about it now and I think I have it nailed although there are still a few surprises sometimes


This site is amazing, isn’t it…life changing!