Confirmed sit unavailable?

Hi guys, we have been confirmed for a next sit. It shows up in our dashboard, and we already have the welcome guide. But we cannot view the listing any more, it says “listing not available”. The homeowners too have no idea what happened. Did anyone else experience something like this? I mean, I am sure nothing is wrong with the sit, but still it feels funny!

Possibly one of you has run out of “membership” on those dates so the sit doesn’t show. Best to check renewal dates for you and the HO as a starting point. #detectivetime

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Nope. Definitely not for me, and I checked with the HO as they are new to THS. I like your hashtag :wink:


Probably a good plan to ask MS then as that’s very odd @Wiebke #strangerandstrangerthoughtalice


How do you try to open the listing, @Wiebke , do you go via your dashboard and Your sits - Upcoming sits - View listing?

Yes, I am going to my dashboard and upcoming sits. I can open the welcome guide, but not the listing.

@Wiebke Can you open it through your conversation in your Inbox with that owner by clicking on the 3 dots beside their name/photo?

Nope. It says “unable to load listing details”.

The homeowners tell me that on their side it is like “awaiting approval” or something like that…

Seems very strange @Wiebke. Have you checked with Membership Services if they can check it from your end?

Sounds like they should talk to membership services to unblock the listing. Otherwise, you won’t be able to see it.

I chatted this afternoon with THS support and they were able to fix it. It was some weird glitch. A huge shout out to Ahmed from membership support, he was so helpful!