Courtesy on how many applications are active.

When making applications for a specific period of time, I do not wish to inconvenience a whole bunch of owners by having too many applications open at the same time. Do sitters have a rule of thumb on how to have enough exposure to find a sit without being a pest?

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You’re only submitting a single application per HO and they have no idea how many you’ve submit to other HOs so I’m unclear how you could seem like a pest?


Would have thought it’s more about how good you are at managing your inbox @TRockwell - as @CreatureCuddler says, HOs only have one listing at a time (on the whole), so as long as you’re organised and methodical then as many sit apps as you can manage. #allinthelogistics


You definitely wouldn’t be inconveniencing anyone by sending multiple applications once - this would only limit your potential opportunities. The more you apply for, the more you will increase your chances of getting a sit, especially when you’re searching for specific dates.

You have to remember that of all the applications you send, not all will ever respond and want a video call with you. Some will decline with no response, some will never respond, and some many be interested and want a call. My partner and I implement a first-come-first serve mentality; whoever responds first wanting a call will be our priority, and if the call goes well, we usually end up sitting for that person. We ensure the call is scheduled for as soon as possible, and usually make a mutual decision either during or shortly after the call. This process usually all happens within a few days of sending the application; we have learnt that anyone who is interested in having a call with us will usually respond to our application within about 2 days or less. If they have left us on ‘read’ for a few days with no response, this is usually a sign to move on and withdraw our application.

The only way you could ever inconvenience someone is if you have had a successful call with a HO, they have sent you a sit invite, but you’re undecided and have left them hanging for a long time with no final answer. That would be an inconvenience, but nothing else would. You are free to send as many applications as you like.

Hope that helps :blush:


No one is obligated till a sit is mutually accepted via the platform (you must click to accept as a sitter). That means anyone can apply for what they like meanwhile, as long as the dates don’t conflict with an officially accepted sit.

Personally, I withdraw my application if a host doesn’t get in touch within 48 hours to coordinate a video chat. That’s because I don’t want to partner with people who are slow to communicate. To me, it also doesn’t bode well for their communications during a sit. Like what if you need to reach them during an emergency?


Yep, that’s how we operate too. We’ve been finding lately that many HO’s have been quite slow to respond, and all just leave us on ‘read’ with no response - is it just me or has it become more common lately? Hasn’t ever happened to us this much before :woman_shrugging:t3:


I haven’t applied for many sits recently, because I booked for most of 2024 by February-ish. I also sit only part time and not during year-end holidays. And I won’t start applying for 2025 sits till time draws nearer, unless something amazing surfaces listings wise meanwhile.

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Makes sense :blush::+1:

Apply for everything you think is a good fit for you. It is not inconveniencing anyone as the hosts only get one application each from you and don’t know/care where else you are applying for (until they take so long and you are swooped up by someone else).
This approach avoids disappointment and makes sure you are in with a chance on all the great sits you see. But please remember, when you do accept a sit, withdraw your applications for those dates and write a nice note to explain why. Good luck on your pet sitting journey.


There’s no rights nor wrongs, and you’re not being a pest, no-one knows apart from you, but when you get given a sit I’d politely reply to all of them that you’ve applied to let them know you’re withdrawing your application because you’ve been accepted for a sit during their dates, and you never know, they may come back to you in the future, before advertising it to everyone.

At the start I just applied for a few at a time, because I found it a little difficult to keep track of all the conversations I was having, given it was all new, but that depends on how many other sitters are looking in your chosen area. Nowadays, I just apply for 1 at a time anyway, because we have a really quick and really high acceptance rate in the specific areas we sit within. But others that are after sits in highly sought after places seem to apply for loads.

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It has definitely become more common. I’ve not sat much in the last couple years and when I did an application spree to line up some sits for winter I was shocked at how slow everyone was moving. Yet suddenly when I got a sit nailed down and withdrew they were all super responsive. You snooze, you lose.


Oh dear :confused: Yep, definitely; that’s a good tactic!

About getting back to you quickly or not, I would go case by case. If the sitting is in a month or three weeks, yes, I’d expect a quick response. But if I apply 3-4 months in advance, I am okay with not getting a response for a few weeks.

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It’s “The Laws of Attraction.” Like when you are single and can’t find a partner for years, and suddenly when you find a boyfriend (in my case), all the hottest most desirable guys start hitting on you!!! :joy:


Hi @TRockwell
As a sitter with just over 20 sits to my name I apply for any sit I like the look of and fits my calendar. That can mean I have one outstanding application or as many as 8 applications. I simply accept the first sit offered (providing it meets my criteria post HO chat) and withdraw my other applications with a simple thank you for looking at my application but I’ve accepted a sit elsewhere now.
Some HO’s will never get back to you!


Apply for all that look suitable - applications get paused after 5 are received and the host can only pick one sitter . So if you were to simplify the process into an equation you could say your application has at best a 1/5 chance of resulting in you being chosen as the sitter . Obviously, it’s more complicated than a simple equation. There are numerous other factors involved like hosts preferring sitters who are male/ female , energetic / older , share a common interest, have previously looked after their breed of dog or those who already have a lot of 5 star reviews etc etc .

Also, you can never be sure what timeframe the host is working on, we have had some like our application and profile and ask for a video call, we’ve replied straight away with some suitable times within the next few days and then not heard anything back for over a month !! (At which point we withdrew our application.) Some have offered the sit to another sitter but the sitter hasn’t confirmed so the process gets stuck in limbo while they wait for the sitter to confirm or decline . Some other hosts haven’t actually confirmed their own holiday dates and when they eventually do they may differ to the dates listed and no longer suit you .

So you can apply for as many as seem suitable and reply quickly to any messages that you receive back .

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You must be new!

While it is great that you don’t want to inconvenience people—you are a thoughtful and kind person—I had to laugh at your concern, since you will find that there are many Owners who are pretty thoughtless.

You will see what I mean when you begin to apply to a bunch of Sits!! Please let us all know how it works out for you! :smiley:


I don’t know if it’s the time of year or not, but it does seem slower. I’ve been more strict lately about withdrawing my application if it’s read and no message within a day or two. If a HO takes too long, it makes me wonder if they understand the mutual beneficial relationship culture of THS.


At least 3 to 4 weeks ago I applied for 4 different sits in the same city - 2 of them are 3-4 week Christmas sits, the other 2 shortly after the holidays.

None of them have come back to me! (despite following up) None of them have declined me either. And I have deliberately not withdrawn my applications.

Why not? They’ve all filled up to 5 applications, and if they can’t take the courtesy to respond to (or decline) applications over a period of several weeks even when the holidays are starting to get close… then why should I go and ‘reward’ them by withdrawing, which in this case would put those listings back on the site for someone to apply to? Let them do that themselves!