Currently not in need of a sitter

I have a few sits as favourites so get notified when one becomes available.
Increasingly now though, i click on the notification immediately but to be faced with “currently not in need of a sitter”
Is this due to a deal being struck with previous sitters who are notified by the HO in advance, they apply and get accepted within seconds?
If so, i will remove these listing from my favourites as have virtually no chance.

If this is the case, it’s better practice for the HO to invite the repeat sitter to private dates which they can easily do. This is what a handful of our regulars do so no other sitter has to waste their time applying only to be rejected.


I’m not even getting the chance to apply :grinning:

I believe so. Instead of sending a private invite (of which they may not be aware), a host publishes a public listing so that an already chosen sitter can apply. Then, a quick acceptance by both parties followed by cancellation of dates (or whatever action they take). This is why the listing never goes to “reviewing” but to “currently not in need.”