Date Filters

So quite new to this… Have been proactive and looking for a sitter but the date filter does not seem to be working… I look for sitters but when I put in my date range, it doesn’t give me sitters available for those dates, it gives me thousands of sitters to view? Am I doing something wrong? Hope someone can help :slight_smile:

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Hi @TNadz - After you have put in your date range you then have to click ‘APPLY’ to fix those dates - but don’t rely on the sitters’ calendars too much - unfortunately, it is really complicated for sitters to keep it updated so most don’t. It will automatically update when sitters are booked via THS but will show many dates as available when sitters are, in reality, not available!

OK thank you I will try that… I am trying to search for a sitter, is that the same?

Mmmmm yes you’re right… dates not updated by sitters… I was recommended to the site by a sitter but so far I am struggling to manage the availability and whether or not I should be proactive and ask them… :frowning:

I just noticed that too. Until yesterday it was working.

Just tried that and it still shows sitters outside those dates? 1000,s of them :frowning: