Discover Pet Sitting Jobs - advertisement from TrustedHousesitters

I thought you were being ironic as it’s so ridiculous a situation was my take on it….

True, but i think it’s worth checking employment law to see if they can legally use the word ‘job’ to describe what their site offers.

Google’s general definition of a job @Sunshine_G definitely includes the word paid in there for almost all search terms.
Oxford dictionary definition says “work for which you are paid.” I think you have your answer right there. #wrongword

@LizBCN - they aren’t listening and they don’t care as long as the money keeps rolling in.
They are probably pleased we aren’t talking about the five application limit they never told us about.
I am expecting the computer system to implode under the pressure of dealing with all the new members along with alleged benefits/gimmicks/enhancements they keep inventing :exploding_head:


Yep, it’s definitely the wrong word. But that doesn’t stop them using it if they want to. However if there’s a legal definition they’re contravening, they’re going to have to stop.

OK I have found this on THS site:

*Complaining about TrustedHousesitters

If you wish to raise a complaint directly about TrustedHousesitters, our platform or a member of staff, we ask that you email our Membership Services department at giving a detailed explanation of your complaint and include any relevant evidence that you may have.

The case handler will review the information that you submit to us and any other relevant information. We might need to contact you for more information.

We will carefully consider all relevant information as part of our investigation.

We will aim to respond to you with our findings and outcome within 14 business days.
Here is the link: TrustedHousesitters' Member Disputes Process |


I’m an old fogey. As I understand it, “getting Web clicks” aka as Website traffic is somehow beneficial to companies. I don’t know if it’s financially beneficial or there is more to it so, anyone who works in this area or knows stuff please feel free to expound.

My point is that an advert saying “free money” (referencing Peter Sellers, for anyone that old) will attract the clicks. The fact that the end result isn’t what was promised (aka Click Bait) is irrelevant.

How did we come to this?


You’re not an old fogey @Saltrams. A percentage of the web clicks convert into purchases. They’ll have been stats on it & will have been told by the SEO company that if they invest enough in words like this, it will turn into sales. Likely to be a third party agency, THS don’t strike me as a company with an SEO skill in-house. Random fact - my aunt was married to Peter Sellers as one of his many wives :wink::joy:

I wanted to look up THS on Alexa for their traffic rank, but they do not exist anymore: Alexa Internet - Wikipedia

So I found

Audience Demographics

Audience composition can reveal a site’s current market share across various audiences.’s audience is 33.94% male and 66.06% female. The largest age group of visitors are 25 - 34 year olds.

Aren’t they underestimating revenue?

(This kind of thing is what all those cookies are used for!)

Possibly @pietkuip. I’m not a tech whizz. I’m a strategic marketing consultant as a day job. Just offering my bit of insight. My brain is more fascinated at the target 25-34 age range. Your motivation for travel, access to money, responsibilities, life goals & so on all changes hugely as you get older……


Ooh @Cuttlefish, thanks for the computer stuff but the fact that your aunt was married to Peter Sellers is way more interesting :joy:

I got another TrustedHousesitters google ad in my gmail inbox today - funnily enough the image looks more like a small hotel than a typical home :rofl:

@cat.tails That is this one: Resort-Like Living

The home is not on THS, I suspect…

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IMO the marketing of THS is incredibly misleading. Instead of the word job they could use opportunity or adventure! I also noticed that they show more listing before someone signs up and then once the person actually has a membership they realize there’s a lot less options than initially advertised. Do better THS, please and thanks

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Hi :wave: everyone … we’ve shared your feedback and observations with the team.

@Cuttlefish we do have an in house digital marketing team and SEO Manager.

and for those who might be interested we’ve included some SEO (Search Engine Optimization) info here

@cat.tails Oh this looks like an image just begging for a copyright infringement lawsuit. I don’t see the photographer credited on the image in the ad and yet when I follow @pietkuip’s link the article (not by TrustedHousesitters) clearly gives credit to the photographer and has the usual © symbol and blurb at the bottom about being copyright protected.

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@Snowbird I don’t believe they are using the image without permission. This image is likely pulled from Google’s stock image library. I just had a peek and this one is available on Shutterstock, which provides Google Ads with their stock images.

When you use Google display ads you either provide your own images or you can choose from a library of free stock images that Google provides. There’s no option to provide a photographer credit in these ads, but it’s also not necessary because the stock images are pre-cleared.


Thanks @Lindsay I do follow your logic, except that in the article by Portrait Magazine, they did credit the source of the photography. If you are correct in the source, then it’s just that the magazine was courteous enough to credit the photographer. Thank you for the follow-up.

@pietkuip - good spotting! yes, if that was the typical home with pets listed on THS, this would be a pretty exclusive pet sitting platform, for those HOs with ample millions to their account :wink:

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It’s not just TH using the word ‘job’ when promoting the wonderful :space_invader: world of housesitting. I thought I’d check out my other go-to, Kiwi Housesitters & on the front page it says to ‘place a job ad’ or ‘find a house sitting job’.