Do alerts work for anyone?

I set up 7 different saved searches and bought the upgraded package so I would get alerts when new sits became available. In 5 days I haven’t received any alerts at all, even though I clearly see new sits when I do a search. Does the feature work for anyone? I emailed support 4 days ago but haven’t gotten any response.

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Thanks for reminding me, I’ve had the same issue forever.

someone from support finally reached out and I haven’t yet sent all the stuff they requested.

But if they can get into my account, why do they need to request it from me??!?

I am getting an email every evening with new sits in my Saved searches.

I do not get any alerts. Could that be because I have pop-ups disabled in my browser?

I do get notifications in my iPhone for new dates of favourited listings.

I receive alerts for my saved searches and favourites regularly on the phone and I do not have an upgraded package @Sheila. Have you checked your Notifications are on?

Yes, the app alerts work for me. I get them multiple times a day

I can only set up three searches at a time. Yes, I do get alerts but hours after the listing has come on and usually after they have five applicants.
I gave up and check the listings every few hours if I’m looking for something specific.

In the app, the maximum is ten.

It is incomprehensible that THS has not increased this limit in the web interface. Or added “European Union” and “Schengen area” to the built-in areas.