How can we submit feedback or suggestions for improvements to the site and app?
I’ve tried the AI chatbot but it just sends me around in circles.
We desperately need a way to “block” or “flag” a particular house.
Every day I get the “new sits matching your saved search” email, and every day it’s the same houses I’ve already rejected as unsuitable.
I spend ages trying to figure out whether each house is an actual potential match - sometimes they’re houses which have already rejected me!
We should be able to reject a house once and for all. There is a heart icon to “Favourite” a house, so could you please add an “X” icon to “Block” the house?
there is a lot of really basic functionality that has been requested for years that they’ve just ignored for other, unnecessary “features”. So they probably read it, but they don’t actually care and won’t actually change things that are fundamental basics that would make our lives easier - and some that would make their lives easier. I have no idea who grooms their feature list and prioritizes their dev effort, but they’re really bad at it. I’m saying this as someone who does technical Project management as a career after having been a software developer. So I’m not just talking out my back side.
Don’t hold your breath though - basic functions like adding a key to the calendar so people can understand it have not been implemented - although many have suggested it for several years .
please give us the ability to “Mark as read” an individual Sit from the “New sits matching your saved search” results
Currently, if the search results contain 20 sits today, and 1 new sit is added to the list, tomorrow the search results will contain 21 sits.
Instead the “new” results should only be the 1 new sit, with the existing 20 shown below as “already read” like an email inbox. ie, make “new sits” mean “sits I haven’t seen yet”