Dover Fox Croft, Maine, U.S.: A homestead in the making

Hello THS community,

One of our members is embarking on creating a homestead from scratch on land she purchased in Dover-fox croft, Maine, U.S., Piscataquis County.

If anyone has connections or resources or leads in that general knowledge and/or geographic area, could you please send along?

She is also looking for a place to stay or camper to rent while she developes the land and until she builds a cabin, which is her first priority.

This member will eventually add her homestead as HO to the network and is currently a sitter in the network.

I have her permission to pass along her private email to anyone that dm’s intetest.

She is not a forum member and will not likely join the forum, as it is too much screen time for her lifestyle but would be most appreciative of your efforts.

Thanks all!