Experiences with New Review system

I have had two reviews with the new system. They were still 5 star, but the content was bland. Before I would get 5 stars with HO raving about how great I was. I got kind of a fat head. I am curious what other sitters have experienced with new review system.

I have had 7 reviews since the new system started. I haven’t noticed any difference in them and they are just as highly complimentary as they always have been, mentioning specifics of the cleanliness of the home,etc… Though over the years I do recall the occasional review that was short and sweet in nature without being very detailed, and I suspect you just encountered two people like that in a row.

Though it is possible that if people were compelled to write really glowing reviews to increase the chances of getting the same in return–if they were doing theirs first and the other person would see it-they wouldn’t have to worry about that with the new system. But I don’t think many people would think this way.


I doubt this has much to do with it being the new review system @MB98368 as each owner is different unless you’ve sat for these ones before. Did you read the type of review they’d left for past sitters before applying or are they new owners? Reviews can be brief or effusive depending on the person but if you got your 5* then you should be happy.

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In all honesty I can’t see how the mechanics of the new review system would impact on content.


So much emphasis on received reviews since the blind system was introduced. We aren’t always going to get what we want and sometimes we get more than expected. Please people, accept what you get and what you give, that’s what blind reviews mean. If a HO or a HS reviews you contrary to what you believe, that is their belief of how it was. You can’t change people’s perceptions. Move on and stop trying to analyse everything, it doesn’t resolve anything and only causes you unnecessary grief if you don’t like what is written.

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Being accustomed to the 5-star reviews in the old system, the new system stresses me more than I’d like to admit. Even if I deliver a 5-star performance, there’s always that human aspect that can unexpectedly affect outcomes. That’s why I’m somewhat relieved that the majority of the other party has no knowledge of the new system.
p.s. hoping it is only a matter of time until I get used to the new system


Haven’t seen any difference. Still getting reviewed well.

I haven’t seen a difference but I can imagine that if you tend to immediately leave very effusive reviews it might encourage the same from the homeowner if they see that. I have a mixture of detailed and quite touching reviews coupled with lower key ones - I think it’s just a personality thing. I tend to the effusive if I’ve enjoyed the sit.

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Ten characters.


This is probably wise advice but I, personally, question whether telling people to move on (to change their thinking/feelings) is the solution for people who wish they could change someone’s thinking/feelings. Maybe we need to let go and allow people to have their reactions?


I have not notified a difference, some people have left good but short reviews others have left much longer and detailed good reviews.
More likely you have just sat for people who did not have time or were bothered to leave a long review.

Same here! I’ve found myself going above and beyond the beyond a few times now in terms of cleaning, gardening, pre-visits and generally being accomodating. Not saying I didn’t do all those things previously but now there is just more niggling doubt.