Feedback on new ‘5 applications and freeze’ system?

Yes. I stopped trying, but I’ll try again.

I understand what you are saying, but that does not make any sense!

Even those who choose to not stay at home full-time house sit because they want to, not because they have to.

If I didn’t have a home where I’m currently living (middle-of-nowhere TN) there’s no chance I would come here on a sit.

House sitting is not “showering at a health club because you don’t have a shower”. It’s about the destination, enjoying the company of pets, and experiencing life in a different part of the world.

Even in my case, sitting in Nashville is an entirely different world compared to my place surrounded by Forest and Farms and Fields…and other F-words too. I live here because I like peace & quiet as the default, but I need to breathe a little diesel exhaust from time to time, to appreciate the fresh air of rural country life.

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@Lance Right on!

This was in the closed thread one year ago.
It mentions that a HO can unpause their listing. But they have to decline applications. I think HOs that want to see more applications would rather not have to decline.

From the forum September 2022:
"Some other members also questioned how we settled upon the 5 application limit. We found that 5 applications are the right amount to help maximise member success. Our surveys also showed that most owners find 5 applications are just enough (or more than enough), and they can always unpause their listing to receive more.
It’s also worth keeping in mind that this process will only affect a small number of listings, as only a small percentage of sits receive 5 applications within 24 hours.

We will further share this new process in our owner member newsletter later this month. We will also update some of our key owner and sitter emails with the new process. Owners will continue to receive an email when they have reached 5 applications, letting them know their listing has been paused, and a message will appear on their dashboards and in the member’s inbox, too."

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And then application behaviour changed, adapted to the new reality.

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I think I’m in it already. I get so confused with all the Facebook groups. I need to have a mega clean out.

If hosts and sitters hate the 5 sits thing, I was wondering what is the reason for this.

And I guess the only reason is (as always use to be) money. Only standard and premium users get the alert in time to apply, so basic users are forced to upgrade if we want to get a chance to get a sit.

I agree this has ruined THS and probably I won’t renew my subscription. There are other platforms much cheaper where you don’t feel you have to fight for an opportunity.

In my country we call this “death by success”.


How did I miss this? I was not aware that a 40$ upgrade would get me instant alerts for unlimited saved searches.

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@pietkuip Yes if you upgrade you will get unlimited saved searches - not so sure that they will be “instant alerts” as many report that there is a delay in receiving them . As discussed on this thread


Yes, I know about that problem. Those members should get a refund then.

And if “instant alerts” would have a deliberate delay (like once per hour or even five minutes) there is a problem with truth in advertising.

@ziggy I absolutely understand your concern about snagging sits on the other side of the world but the UK is the absolute best place to get sits these days- there are so very many opportunities over there- especially in summer, but all year round too. Like you, we did back to back sits last summer- 5 months with not a single gap. (30 sits!!) The first 3 months we booked ahead from different points of Europe- ok -only 1 hour time difference- but the last 2 months we just booked as we went along- we were in the UK selling a property and didn’t know how long we needed so just kept tagging sits on. It was easy.
And this year in February we flew to UK unexpectedly, and at short notice, from Bali.
We managed to book our first sit- 12 days - from Bali and then next 8 after arrival- 2 months back to back in Feb and March.
I say all this to encourage you. If you set up a couple of sits ahead of time- from Australia- you can just continue booking as you go after arrival and also fill any gaps too.
Don’t panic if you can’t fill your schedule all in advance. There are new sits popping up every single day. If you have use of a car in UK its even easier.
And from UK you have only a one hour time difference to more easily pick up sits on the continent too, if you wish.
Everyone hates the 5 app & pause but the UK is definitely the easiest place to get sits these days just because of the sheer number if opps.
Good luck!


@Lokstar thanks for your kind words and encouragement. I will be doing exactly as you suggested, it’s just that I have been to the UK so many times now I was just hoping for a change in another country. But I do love the UK and I can stay until they deport me so I’ll go again. I don’t usually plan any of my travels, I just buy a one way ticket to somewhere and hopefully things work out lol They always do so I will, as you say, line up one or two before leaving Oz then pick more up after I arrive. Certainly a lot of sits there but oh my, the poms certainly love having more than one dog! :joy::joy: I can cope with one at a time I’m afraid :flushed:

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@ziggy We are just finishing up a 6 month stint in France & Spain- 3 months in each. The first Sit we booked (way back in January from Bali!) was for end June/July. After we reached UK in Feb we started started planning around that first Spanish sit. It all fell magically into place. After our UK stint we drove to France for Easter with our family and began a series of 4 back to back sits in France followed by 5 almost back to back in Spain. We’ve literally only had about a week- in total -of overnights to pay for in the last 6 months! Once you are in the right time zone it all gets so much easier.
After replying to your first main comment I read all the other 150 comments that followed including a few more from you! So now I know a bit more about you e.g that you mainly sit cats! 2 of our Spanish sits have been cats only & all absolutely delightful! And each property we’ve sat in France & Spain this summer has had a pool!- also delightful!
Happy sitting!


@pamcho @pietkuip good afternoon to you both. I am a Premium member and receive my alerts at 47 mins past the hour. I often find the sits are already reviewing even if I immediately open them :frowning:, it can be quite frustrating.

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Thank you @Daisy999, this saves me $40.

So then the only way to get the really popular sits is when you have marked them as favourites first. The upgrade does not help with that.

This “instant alerts” is false advertising by THS.

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I don’t think the Favourites are instant either.
Many of My Favourites are Reviewing when I receive the alert and I have never had the opportunity to apply to quite a few


So how do people do it? Is there a computer script maybe that does the checking automatically by refreshing the page every minute?

Or is there an extra, secret tier of membership, which gives real “instant alerts”?


@pietkuip I would suggest just stay with the basic membership- it has served us perfectly well for 5 years- and we feel absolutely no need to pay more & ‘upgrade’ We operate like @ElsieDownie - just keep plugging away and you will get more than enough sits to keep you happy! If the sit is gone its gone- don’t sweat it- there are so many more sits just waiting to be snapped up! To be honest -so far- we have not been seriously inconvenienced by the 5 app thing (hateful though it is!) If I see something I like that’s on 4 apps I send a quick- save the space message- and then research and apply fully at leisure. (Or withdraw if on further reading it does not suit) I’ve also done your ‘apply & tick dates’ method but to be absolutely certain my application gets through I still tend towards a ‘save the space’ approach.
Until, or unless, THS drops the 5 app & pause its each man/woman for himself! :star_struck:


So true. Good luck for the coming year. X

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@ElsieDownie thankyou! The same for you!
Did you see my comment on your ‘Round the world in 90 days’ post? I started writing it at the time (May) then lost it! So only finished & posted it a few days ago!! Happy travels!