Feedback on new ‘5 applications and freeze’ system?

Not yet. Will read it later. Will have to update that post. So farther forward now. Really excited about it

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@ElsieDownie if you are looking for sits in NZ I highly recommend you try KiwiHouseSitters, there are many more listings than you will get on THS.

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@Lokstar thanks for all your words of encouragement, I will definitely keep trying. I did try for sits in France and Spain when I was there last year but nearly all were either already gone or too remote without a car. I do sit for dogs also, just that at present I am recovering from major shoulder surgery so can’t take the risk of dogs pulling on leads etc, the recovery has been far too long and painful already so not wanting to tempt fate.

But try again I shall and really appreciating the motivation from yourself and others on the forum :australia:


Agree! At least 90% of my saved sits I open are ‘under review’ I made a complaint to TH. Saving sits in this way is not working. This is a problem with the site/app becomign more popular. I hope TH has a strategy in place to deal with this growth and ensure current sitters still get the chance to actually sit… if not, people will stop subscribing.

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Dang, I just got hit with a reverse missed opportunity. A sit near home that I’ve been watching for all year got posted while I am I Italy (9 hours difference) and by the time I saw it, it was already reviewing. Boo hoo. :frowning:


Agreed! Australians in Australia just don’t get a chance at &European/UK/US sits.


Hi @kirstycrtr, I’m an Aussie sitting in the UK at present. I have 10 sits in total for the four months I am here, with 7 of them booked before I came here. So it is definitely possible for Aussies to get sits here. Europe may be different because of less numbers of sits advertised.


Yes we agree it is definitely possible to get sits. We have had many in the UK and Europe. All I’m saying is that many will be gone before we wake up! We think it should be a more level playing field. Of course, on the other hand, we will see Aussie sits first before people from the US and Europe/UK.

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I guess it also depends on when and where you want to sit in the UK @kirstycrtr. If they’re already at “reviewing applications “ you still don’t know whether the dates would have been suitable for you.
There are still many sits advertised and I’ve had no trouble filling gaps whilst here - and I’m choosy about the ones I apply for.
As you say, you have the advantage of getting in first for Aussie sits!
I do support the many members who would like to see THS give a listing at least 24 hours before moving into “reviewing applications “ mode so those of us in the other hemisphere have the opportunity to apply.


FYI if a sit is at “Reviewing applications” you can still see the dates in the web version, just not in the app.


Just checked and you can now see them on the app too @meow so there’s been a change in relation to that.

@meow I didn’t know that. I’m 99% on the app. I don’t know if I’d be happier or madder if i knew the dates!!! :slight_smile:

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Nobody likes the the 5 applications while I didn’t like the 35 plus applications.I think 5 is unrealistic.if it doesn’t change I will leave ths.


You can see the dates on the app when it’s “Reviewing applications” @Timshazz as I checked after @meow’s reply to me.

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As HOs with a sit that gets many applications, we hate this thing too.
I raised the issue with THS in november last year, but in reply all I got was a lot of computer-generated gobbledygook newspeak.
We now turn all applicants down immediately on the site, at the same time telling them individually that they have not really been turned down yet but that we’re just trying to keep the sit open for approx 24 hours so all time zones get a crack at it.
All applicants get a final decision within 48 hours of applying
It’s a lot of messing about but what else can we do ?
Our last posted sit got 5 replies in 4 hours & 12 minutes - one was from a previous sitter who just wanted to say “hi”, one was from a single traveller, whereas we had specifically asked for a couple, so 2/5, i.e.40%, went straight in the bin, and no Aussies or Americans would have been able to apply because of the time-zone problem !
It beggars belief that THS refuse to see the blindingly obvious and correct such a colossal mistake
THS are behaving more like a religious sect than a free entreprise.
This isn’t business sense, it’s pure doctrine !!!


@langlais thank you for giving the home owners perspective on this. It seems like you have found a workaround which seems very fair ( albeit time consuming for you )

Interested to know how many applications you got from leaving the sit open for 24 hours and if the sitter you finally chose one of the early applicants ?


That sounds like a good & fair system to keep your listing open a bit longer. Especially if you don’t instantly spot your no.1 in the first 5 applicants.
We sitters have had to find our work around systems too.
Instead of making the site more user friendly THS has created an obstacle that affects all members.


@Calvin what was the outcome of your complaint to THS ? I made a similar complaint and was offered an extra 2 month’s membership (FREE) for the inconvenience.

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@langlais I love you!! How beautifully said and above all, how damned considerate are YOU! As an Aussie I appreciate your thoughtfulness in understanding what sitters from different time zones experience. I do understand there are plenty of sits in the UK but not always “the best ones” are still open by the time we see them. What you are doing is again, so thoughtful, and I applaud you :clap::clap:


Wow that’s a very creative way of getting around the 5 application freeze. Sounds very time-consuming though and why on earth would a membership organisation who are funded by us sitters and home owners want to make the process so difficult that work-arounds are needed? If it is (as has been suggested) a way to increase membership and reduce the number of sitters doing multiple sits per year thereby increasing revenue by spreading sits more thinly between more sitters I think this should be made clear. I am especially disappointed about the way this quite major change was made without it being communicated to both sitters and owners in a timely way - and hence the reference on this site to many who didn’t even know it was happening! Seriously thinking about not renewing membership when the time comes round.