Feedback on new ‘5 applications and freeze’ system?

Hallelujah to that! (I love your comment, it’s so fitting)

I hope more HOs will do this workaround. Thanks for being a HO that manages applications in a timely manner
Sitters appreciate you.
Ann Marie



thanks for the replyWe generally get between 20 & 30 applications within 24 hours or so
Funnily enough, , last time we posted a sit, we chose the first applicant - all done & dusted within 30 minutes. A record !
The app just “jumped off the page” the way they do sometimes, and, by pure coincidence, when the sitter & his wife ( a kiwi couple) actually got here we discovered that his brother had sat for us almost two years ago !
Small world.


@langlais it’s great when that happens . We’ve had it too as sitters - video call within 30 mins of the application, confirmed the sit … We connected with the owners on the call and fell in love with their dog on the sit . We’ll soon be heading back there and this time for two months !


Hi, and thanks for the comment

All i got was “thankyou for being a member for so long…”, “our research shows that…”
"I have taken your feedback & will convey it to our product !

Here is copy of one of the mails referring to “our surveys” (WHAT surveys?) "We have found it is fair ( HOW did you find tha ? "reach out to us ( like reach out to God )[

In THS defence, the moderator did authorise publication of my very critical comment - I thought they’d delete it.

Hi Richard,

Thank you for replying back to me.

I am so sorry to hear that you are not satisfied with the new change. I do apologize for the inconvenience it has caused. This new process is implemented to ensure a greater and more even distribution of sits and applications across the platform, which is a fair and positive change for our members.

We found that 5 applications are the right amount to help maximize member success. Our surveys also showed that most owners find 5 applications are just enough (or more than enough), and they can always unpause their listing to receive more.

I do apologize again for the inconvenience, please reach out to us, if you have more questions.

Kind Regards,

Member Experience Executive

Visit our friendly community forum to share your love of house sitting, pets, travel and more.

Edited to comply with posting guidelines.

Hi All … I just wanted to pop in to say … that whilst lively discussion is encouraged, please to stay respectful to everyone who reads and participates in the topic. Many thanks.

This would be good if HOs could just unpause. But unfortunately they have to decline sitters to do this. I wish they could just unpause if they wanted to see more apps.


Thé 5 applicant system is extremely frustrating if you are in a different time zone. There is nothing worse than waking up in the morning to find that one of your saved sits posted overnight and you missed out because you were asleep!

Why don’t you change it to 10 and make it fair for everyone.


I think in such cases, also at 10 you might still be sleeping.

I applied last night for a sit in France. I was the third applicant, and it is still at three. There is just one older, sweet but somewhat low-energy dog to take care of, so that is easy. Very positive reviews. Located in a nice village with restaurants etc.

The only catch (for some): the village is a bit remote.

The sit sounds lovely. Good luck with your application @pietkuip :crossed_fingers:t2:

I’ve been wondering how everybody is seeing the listings as they appear in real time. Is it on the app? I use the website on my laptop, and listings are now updated only once a day at 1:00 a.m. UK time.

Maybe we need some testing and experimenting.

We would need a willing HO somewhere. We could mark them as a favourite or add a Saved search for the area, in the app and on the web interface.

And then the HO would list new (fake) dates and we could see where we get notified and how long it took.



Do you mean, what time do we get notifications about new listings for our favorites and/or saved searches?

No, I’m not talking about favourites or saved searches, just new listings in general.

@Dace I see new listings show up at different times. I haven’t noticed a certain time that new listings for that day drop. I mostly search on my phone either mobile site or app.
(Using an android phone I’m in the USA)

Be careful what you wish for @PawsomePetsitters and indeed everyone; as @pietkuip observed, increasing to 10 probably wouldn’t solve the hemisphere problem. I think a time restriction would be more viable. Minimum 24 hours after listing going live, or better still 36 - 72 hours.
But look how insidious this situation is. We’re all trying to create solutions where there was hardly a problem in the first place! Just put it back to how it was.


@Saltrams exactly don’t fix what isn’t broken. But please do fix the things that are. Much better return for members by fixing the delayedalerts, inaccurate locations, discrepancies between the app and website and providing better search options (exclusions, and/or, multiple locations, whole continents)


I agree @Timshazz that these things need addressing (and the promised new review procedure) but none of it will increase revenue for the company so I guess there is no urgency.


I hate it SO much. I contacted them a while back to give feedback and ask if there was any way to bypass it and they assured me it was loved by most members!

I’m a homeowner and we use the site regularly. It’s so much more time consuming now - I used to be able to post a job, wait a day to get a bunch of applications and then go through and select the most suitable candidates, and then decline the others. Now I have to go through each one as they come in. The last few times we’ve posted a job the initial applicants haven’t been suitable - as in they barely read the listing and don’t meet even the basic requirements and I have to go through each one in order to keep the listing open and searching for someone who actually has read the job spec. It’s like a full-time job! I can’t just do it at the end of each day when I can dedicate some time to it.

I also can’t see how it’s fairer to people applying. It really only benefits the fastest applicants. When I could keep it open for a few days and get a wider pool I felt like we were opening the opportunity up to way more people.

I honestly can’t see who this new system benefits. I keep offering my feedback - we use the site a lot and they actually used us for some press so maybe they’ll listen? Who knows?


How could TH possibly know it “is loved by most members”??? I don’t think there has been a survey sent out to EVERY member asking the question SPECIFICALLY about this issue and I’m sure if there had been, I doubt it would have been a resounding positive. I doubt even half the members would even be aware of the 5 rule :thinking: