Feedback on new ‘5 applications and freeze’ system?

@Keldin they will (perhaps) change it if they get major negative press story, a consumer group/government fair trades investigation about breaking their membership terms/false advertising (ability to apply to unlimited sits) or both at the same time. Especially if they are seeking further investment. But other than that, I can’t see them changing just because their customers hate it. We just got to work out ways around it.

Until the day comes when THS changes the 5 rules, here is something you might try:

First, I’m a pet parent in one of those popular areas. I can’t remember what THS “told me” about the five application rule, but I figured it out pretty quickly – maybe because I do some gig work though a site that house a simlar rule for applicants. The first sit, I chose from the 5. The second sit, I contacted the “runner up” from the first sit and invited her privately and didn’t use the “public” system.

After the first few sits, I got bolder about outright rejecting unsuitable applicants very quickly in order to unfreeze and get a better applicant pool . I don’t know if this is what others do, but what it could mean for you as a sitter, is that just because something goes to “reviewing” doesn’t mean it will stay there. Watch those sits. The pet parent may decide at any point to reject some applicants and unpause to see more applications. Have your application ready to go. While this may happen day or evening, my guess is that evening in the time zone where the sit is, is going to be the time these changes and sudden openings for one or two spots. are most likely to occur.


for what its worth, I am unhappy with the freeze after 5 applications

@cat.tails - have you voted in the poll? It is currently buried in the Conclusion of Pausing Applications thread.

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I think the thread is locked now - I looked at it earlier. It was over too quickly! Poll seems to be closed already :frowning:

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@cat.tails - that wouldn’t surprise me in the least but I thought you could vote but as it is a closed topic you cannot add any comments.

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You can still vote @cat.tails and @Twitcher in the THS News and Feedback section but not comment. Numbers are growing!

I saw a poll but they already posted the results of it so I presumed we cannot vote anymore. The one I saw is this one

It’s this one @cat.tails and ignore the Closed as you can still vote.

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thanks - never would have found it on my own!

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@cat.tails - that’s the idea! Even I am confused where it is :rofl:

it’s a pity the thread is locked even though the poll is still open - if the thread was unlocked it would be more visible…

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Exactly when there are no comments allowed it will move out of sight
Voting is great but does not keep the poll in the new or latest posts as it appears dormant.


@Expat6 I would think this is what Ben is experiencing as well with his poll on video chats!

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I personally like it.

As a sitter I like that THS is doing something to force HOs to review applications in a timely manner. I also like knowing that I’ll be reviewed in a smaller pool of applicants which gives me a better chance of being selected.

The application system is up to 24 hours before it will kick in, so if you have alerts set up, no matter your timezone, you can apply to the sit even if 5 other people have applied. I have search alerts set up, I’ve never been blocked from applying to a ‘new sit.’

As a HO I imagine this new system is also beneficial as it forces sitters to consider all sits, not just the popular ones. And limits the number of applications you have to deal with. If no one is suitable, you can relist.

I’ve read a lot of the comments complaining and threatening to not renew, but personally, I like it this way and I signed up not knowing if this system, scared it would be impossible to find a sit. But I was pleasantly surprised to find out they do control for my biggest fear: being ignored in a pile of applications.

I think this system forces everyone, HO and Sitters, to be more respectful, dedicated and serious about the application process.


@K8M what do you mean by this? '‘The application system is up to 24 hours before it will kick in, so if you have alerts set up, no matter your timezone, you can apply to the sit even if 5 other people have applied. I have search alerts set up, I’ve never been blocked from applying to a ‘new sit.’’

I was under the impression that 5 can fill up within minutes for popular destinations. Has something changed? If what you seem to say is true. That would be a big improvement.

You are mistaken.

Once a homeowner has five applicants, no more sitters are able to apply unless the homeowner declines any of those five and opens their listing to new applications again.


Did you know that studies have shown people refuse to change their beliefs even when presented with facts which contradict them?

Why would THS lie about the results of the testing? Clearly the company wants to be successful… why would they lie about something like this? What benefit could they possibly get from misreporting on their own report of a test on improving the success of their own business? :face_with_monocle:

Well, a assume it’s true :woman_shrugging:t4: another person already posted that she received 6 applications before the sit was paused. And I think it’s even clearly stated that way, when you click on it there is a pop up that even tells you so… there is a whole explanation on the website about how the process works…

I feel like everyone here is complaining about a system they barely understand :roll_eyes:

None of the complaints make any sense to me considering the way the system actually works. It just sounds like a lot of people simply complaining about change because they hate change. And refusing to change their opinion even though the testing done by THS proves the new system was beneficial for both HO and sitters.

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@K8M as a member for over 8 years, and having been on this forum for well over a year, and an influencer in the housesitting community, I’m pretty sure I understand the system. A homeowner can get slightly more than 5 applications IF the 6th (7th) sitter have the application window open and don’t navigate away before they hit send. Even then its hit or miss. I have many favorites and check them almost immediately ( sometimes during the night). Popular sits often reach the limit within the hour. Basically…you snooze you lose.