Feedback on new ‘5 applications and freeze’ system?

…I guess it’s closed indeed, because that’s the poll page I went to & I could not vote

@Bluehorse try here Poll: THS's 5 applications limit application process

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@Timshazz - poll is most likely closed, cause it’s the same link but I still can’t vote

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@Carla is that true?

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I have re-opened the poll. I did not set a time limit so I am not sure if it was closed by the system or by a moderator.

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@Bluehorse looks like you should be able to vote now.


@123ForumUser curious. Thanks for reopening.

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Hi :wave: everyone, Carla is offline …

The poll @123ForumUser & @Timshazz are referring to has now been open for 6 days and will be permanently closed at 21.00 - 9.00 pm BST today October 2nd …

And then what will happen to the results @Angela_L @123ForumUser?

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Refreshing constantly is easy if you work on a computer all day long. You have a few windows or tabs open with your specific searches and you refresh whenever you can.
Is it user friendly? Absolutely not, it’s so backward it’s almost a joke, and a big 0 on UX. But here we are.
Bots, i assume could be used but when it comes to applying, I assume you’d need a real human behind the screen? I don’t even know anymore

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We need a ChatTHS-bot!

Hi Angela
Could we keep it up a little longer than 6 days please?
I just voted on a poll on the forum, opened in September 2022, about America’s favorite breeds of cats, from Vanessa, so it means polls can stay open months, even a year. What’s the rush to close this one so fast? Any chance we can get a little longer for an important subject?that really matters? (I’m a cat lady, so cat breeds is amazing to me, so we’re clear)

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@Nadia111 - worth a try but very doubtful as the results of the poll so far do not align with what we have been told about the majority liking the change.


Why is this being closed and why were we not told it would be ?
When will someone from THS comment on the results ?

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Not if enough members that really appreciate the 5 application pause had time to see the poll and voted on it! Then it would align with what they told us last year.
I strongly believe that THS is a transparent organization and told us the truth about the feedback they got, so it’s simply a matter of time before most forum members that enjoyed that change, saw that specific poll opened 6 days ago, and voted favourably for maintaining the 5 application limit. For now, it looks like nobody who answered, likes it. So by closing it, it just doesn’t help THS and their community, get the real feedback they are looking for.
We need to give the chance to newer and older members to see we have a poll up and let them vote in favour or defavor of this rule. Because this is how polls work: the majority expresses itself, freely, anonymously, a little bit like an election :smiling_face:
So maybe we try that? Leaving it longer than a week in an…open thread?

We are definitely not a fan of the 5 limit on Sit applications. We hope THS will restore back to the original system. Thank you for organising the Poll


I, too open my notifications as soon as they appear and I find the listing “reviewing”. BUT…I’ve mentioned the 5 app halt to two of my HOs and they both said they got way more than 5 applicants. How is that? Is it because they are good responders and deny some? Thus opening up a slot for the the next? Is that how it works? I’d love to know. On another note, I applied to a sit that I really wanted. I got zero response even after a week’s time and another email. I recently saw that same HO post a sit and the original dog had died, they got a new puppy! So that’s one reason I can absolutely forgive!

@sitkashel When I sitter clicks “Apply” and ticks the box with the dates, and leaves that window open, there is time to consider and to write. Such applications may come in as number 6 or 7 etc.

Hi @Nadia111 thank you for your message and I apologise for the delayed response.
The poll is now closed, with a note added, final numbers will remain in place.

@Angela_L @Carla I guess the results are pretty unanimous from forum members. And not bad numbers considering it got ‘moved’ so people couldn’t comment and keep it current. Are we likely to get any feedback? Even if it’s a ‘We don’t care what you lot think’, at least it would be some kind of acknowledgement.