Feedback on New Profile

Hi there - I just wanted some constructive criticism of our profile and if there is anything we should do to improve. We’re working on getting more references and more pictures.

Thank you!


Hi @Jason and a very warm welcome to TrustedHousesitters and to the Community Forum :wave:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

I just had a peruse of your profile and to be honest it looks great, although as you already mentioned you are in the process of, I would definitely add some more photos and perhaps a couple more references. I’m sure there will be many other members on here who will chip in with their suggestions.

Also, remember you can use the spyglass symbol at the top of the page next to the TrustedHousesitters logo and search for any questions that you may have as they have most likely already been answered on here and of course if not then please just ask! :blush:

Hey Jason - I would recommend moving your petsitting experience to before your volunteer work because that is usually the first thing that I look out for. Looks great otherwise! Never hurts to add more pics with a range of animals too and get a few additional references since you don’t have an official sit yet.