Filter topics by Country

Just a thought. Is there any way the forum could be set up so you can filter based on your country. It’s useful in understanding what other PP do and read their experiences in your own country.

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I do not see how that could be implemented. But yes, it would be nice if people could be clear what country they were talking about.

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Hello @EJPullen66 Thank you for your suggestion. I thought about this as it is an interesting idea, but I am not sure we would be able to implement this as there are very limited search options and categories set by Discourse our provider, also as many of our forum users are anonymous it can be hard to know which country they are posting from or about.

It is always helpful if members write the country in their post title if their questions are country-specific that way you can search the country using the spyglass and all related topics will pop up!

If you would like to start a country-specific post asking for ideas, help and information that could also work to connect with other forum users that are from that country or have been there. I hope that helps :slight_smile:

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