Would it help to see forum members nationalities?

Just an idea, would it be useful to have forum members nationalities flagged against their names? A small country flag perhaps? Sometimes it may be more relevant and informative to know which country owners and sitters are in.

Great idea!


I’m full of them!


Not entirely sure; convince me!

It will be clear where the advertised sit will be. Do you wish to know the nationality of the owner (as in their citizenship) or their nationality of origin? Many owners give that info in their intro and I always find it interesting in a general sort of way but not that it would make much difference to me, in an apply or don’t apply scenario.

Show your working out, with examples :joy: (no, I’m not a teacher).

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I like the idea if it is voluntary. Maybe provide allowing for creative options for those who aren’t too proud of their nationality (currently), i.e., ‘Global Citizen’ or ‘US born Francophile’. Maybe folks can just put something that resonates with their idea of national identity.


Bonjour, Provence!
Moi aussi je suis Française! I am also French, from Cannes, Cîte d’Azur, and I live in San Diego, California. In our Trusted Housesitters profile, I stated that we are a Franco-American couple.


I like the idea. I feel like I often have to explain it is from my point of view as a US citizen. It is also fun to see where others are from.


I wasn’t talking about THS, I meant on the forum . Wondered if nationalities would be useful here.


Je suis dĂ©solĂ© d’avoir semĂ© la confusion! I did use “moniker” in a post. Essentially it means nickname & is old fashioned. It isn’t a word you would hear “on the street”; more in books or highbrow conversations.
Also, not to be confused with the female name - Monica. It sounds the same!


Oh! Of course. :woman_facepalming:t3:, that makes much more sense!


Scanned this thread again because I was sure someone suggested that language flags would be good but I can’t see the post. I know I wasn’t imagining it, so I don’t claim it as my idea but I’m supporting it hereby!


I was referring to the forum not the THS website when I suggested showing nationalities against members.


Yesss!! I suggested this in the forum feedback. Having some kind of fun identifiers to know at a glance where someone’s perspective is coming from. Like “full time sitter” or I love your “global citizen” one, could even include jobs/hobbies if people like, i.e., “writer” “blogger” etc.


Bonjour Provence,
Je viens juste de lire votre message du 3 Octobre.
Je vois que “Saltrams” a clarifiĂ© le nom “moniker”: “sobriquet” en Français, “nickname” en Anglais.
Cette année, pas de voyage international pour nous à cause de COVID! Nous faisons donc des gardiennages dans notre région.
Savez-vous ce qui est pire que COVID? CAVE VIDE
 sans plus de vin!!! Je plaisante, le rire est la meilleure médecine!

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And yet it exists! I’m sure there must be obscure French words that are hard to find in mainstream publications. I did say it was quite an old word, not in very common use.
My old uncle grew up in France and sometimes he would exclaim “sacrĂ© bleu” when amazed. Because it was normal for me to hear it, I used the expression to our neighbour when we lived in France a few years ago and he was very amused; he said it was like hearing his grandfather speak!

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Ah! I see I guessed the spelling incorrectly :frowning_face:
Thank you for the explanation; I knew something of it but did not understand the use of bleu. Well, my uncle was not from mediaeval times but he was a great character.

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