hello newbie from Bonnie Dundee

hi there My name is Janet and I have 3 little ones (dogs)


@jansam hello and welcome to the forum. Don’t you just love the way those furbabies fill your day with so much happiness?

Thank you for joining our Community Forum. You are going to find so much helpful information from both forum members and TrustedHousesitters forum team alike.

I see you have not joined TrustedHousesitters yet and if there is anything we can do to assist you with joining, please feel free to reach out and we will be happy to help. TrustedHousesitters is an amazing organization filled with both sitters and pet parents who want to join forces and help make all our furry friends happy, safe and content in the own homes.

We certainly hope you decide to join, but once again, thanks for joining the forum….it’s a great start to becoming a member of our family of pet lovers!

Have a wonderful day!
