When I ‘save’ a house sit that interests me, does the HO see that alert when they are looking for a sitter?
If they have a standard or premium membership they will, but not if they have a basic membership.
Thank you!
I was so focussed on sending you the answer that I forgot to welcome you to the forum. Oops. Welcome!
Thank you, this will be such a helpful site.
Welcome @Speedwell to the Forum. Yes, it is a very helpful site. My home has been Cheltenham for the past 15 years but it’s currently rented out in order for me to housesit and travel full time (for the 2nd time, the first having been interrupted after a year by the pandemic). Booked up with housesits until I go to New Zealand again at the end of October.
I’ve never been happier and I hope you and your husband enjoy this lifestyle as much as me.
All the very best!
HI @Speedwell and welcome to the forum. I’m also live in Cheltenham and housesit in the school holidays with my sons and husband, or sometimes just with my sons.
Hello @Speedwell. Welcome to the forum.
Hello! I am actually on a proper holiday just now down in Devon so it’s odd to be somewhere without pets! My husband has been very ill so we took time off for 9 months and are just beginning to think of starting again. We have been accepted will be coming back to Devon in August for a couple of weeks house sit but will be going very carefully for a while. We are also very retired but have had some wonderful sits and met some great people so I’m hoping for more to come!
@Speedwell I’m sorry to hear about your husband and hope he’s doing better now. May you and he enjoy many more wonderful sits!
@Speedwell I do hope your husband is feeling much better now. As you say it is certainly sensible to go carefully and pace yourselves for a while. I hope your August sit goes really well.
We’ve had to make some adaptations ourselves since my husband had Covid last September. He developed Long Covid and another condition affecting his leg, apparently also triggered by the Covid. Housesitting has given us the opportunity to continue to have holidays despite hubby being off work. He does an excellent job of sleeping with a cat on his lap! Housesitting has also given him much needed routines and tasks he can take on - feeding the chickens or fish, or staying in with the older dog while we try to wear out the younger one!
Hi Debbie, it sounds as we have much in common. My husband had a bad reaction to his booster which in turn triggered a rare autoimmune disease. It is now under control but it has left him much slower and very tired so I am the lead in housesitting and he enjoys pottering as much as he can. Fortunately I am as fit as a fiddle so long dog walking excursions will be my responsibility! Covid certainly has had its effect on a lot of us. I hope things continue to improve for you. V.
Hi @Speedwell, Covid has certainly caused a variety of issues for many. My husband is similar, slower, very tired, some bad days, some better ones. Needs lots of recovery time if he tries to push himself. I work in a school, keep the kids busy and arrange the housesits! Fortunately at 13 and 11, the boys are big enough to be helpful. I hope your husband’s condition remains under control and you are able to enjoy your house sitting at your own paces.